- #nowplaying The Beatles - Obladi Oblada #
- I've been neglecting my emails. If you're someone who's reached out to me, I apologize for the delay. Following up today/tomorrow. :-) #
- Psyched about taking @sree's "Social Media One-Night Stand" workshop with @corvida at @columbiajourn on Thurs: #cjsm #
- LOL RT @Vidalia: #LULZ that LAPD r saying they're in hazmat suits bcuz a bunch of Occupiers got LICE & they have 2 deal w "hygene problems" #
- You can't kill an idea. You can't destroy a leaderless movement. As long as people unite, things WILL change -- are changing RIGHT NOW. #ows #
- Here's another angle at #OccupyLA from the outside #
- #LAPD scanner listen live #OccupyLA #
- 4am appears to be the perfect time to organize for @poczineproject + watch #OccupyLA livestream Mobile revolution! #
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