- Remember: "Well-behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Embrace "bitch" as the wimpy little swat from a sad person. #
- The word "bitch" is the achilles heel for far too many women. Gut the power out of that lame word, throw it into space, laugh. It's nothing! #
- I laugh when women get mad at men who call them bitches. Don't give your power away. Hand them a thesaurus and keep it moving. #
- To me, a real bitch is a coward and that applies to all genders. Cowardice 2 be a real parent. Cowardice to be accountable. Those R bitches #
- Not only that, literal definition of bitch=not even offensive. Female dog. Waah. That's a dumbass insult. Up yr vocab/dazzle w yr adjectives #
- Your logic implies that some women are bitches and others are not. WRONG. We all bitch sometimes. As do you #message 2/2 #
- It irks me that I have to make this announcement in 2012: Men, pls refrain from breaking women into two categories: women and bitches. 1/2 #
- .@nipseyhussle my point being that "woman"/"women" inclds the people you consider to be bitches and they need education just as much as rest #
- .@nispeyhussle my point being that "woman"/"women" inclds the people you consider to be bitches and they need education just as much as rest #
- Bitches need t most education tho RT @NipseyHussle If u educate a woman U educate a community... Bitches ain't shit bt I got <3 4 real women #
- [#omgomgomg] Björk Announces "Biophilia" New York Residency And Education Series via @creatorsproject #gettingtickets #
- Media/digital trends, zines, etc. Both saved searches and strategically curated circles RT @TheHiredGuns @dcap what kind of research? #
- I use it for research RT “@TheHiredGuns: Curious, are you USING Google+ or are you just registered and letting it collect dust? Chime in.†#
- .@laurenthedark @corvida cool we'll check out @sleepnomorenyc! thanks :) in reply to laurenthedark #
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