- .@Semilion Thanks so much for working with Yoachily today! You rock! People, check out his work: #
- Activism isn't hard. 2day set up student with @countdownko designer 2 learn about on-air graphics. Try it at yr job! #
- Ah! TY RT @muckrack @dcap We'll look into ASAP. (Our software automatically follows journalists we add to Muck Rack, so probably a bug.) #
- did @muckrack just follow me, unfollow me, then follow me again? breaking news: @muckrack conflicted about @dcap!!! #
- jelly RT @goodglobalcitiz The friday nite place 2 be in grand cayman. @ericripert & @NoReservations manning bbq pits. #
- .@OliveTonic yer my fav foodie asshole #
- @OliveTonic Quit making me hungrier than I already am with your food pron in reply to OliveTonic #
- Saturday Night Live's Stefon has a Yelp Page via @NewYorkObserver #teehee #
- Cool! RT @scraigwatkins Spent the week working w high schoolers in a Tech Apps class. Exploring design/dig media/hands-on learning this year #
- @laurenthedark that is rad and i'll share in reply to laurenthedark #
- @daughterphoenix nah i've just seen about 10-20 "i love content"-type comments lately, fingernails on blackboard to my soul in reply to daughterphoenix #
- ;) like qualify it, damn RT “@nsharona: HA! RT @dcap You love content? That's like saying you love "stuff." It sounds ridiculous.†#
- .@laurenthedark I truly want to see that happen #isthatweird in reply to laurenthedark #
- nice RT @laurenthedark only good reason 4 me 2 learn Spanish = appear as extra in Almodóvar film. W Gael Garcia Bernal. Naked. In Jell-O #
- You love content? That's like saying you love "stuff." It sounds ridiculous. #
- Promote yourself all you want, @McDonalds. I'm not biting #seewhatididthere #
- Legendary LA Chicano transgendered performer Robert Cyclona Legorreta on early years/impact of AIDS in GLBT community #
- Still not clear how cab drivers who don't know basics of getting around NYC get licensed. Not my job to be GPS. Weird entitlement/guy crap. #
- rad! saw it in LA RT “@harlempridenyc: 'Pariah' OPENS IN HARLEM TODAY! (1/13/12) #vr4smallbiz € #
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