- lmao bless you RT “@Self_deporter: @dcap Thanks. Are you a fellow self-deporter? Not sure how many more of us are out there?†#
- hope u enjoyed my #FLdebate curation fun RT “@davidhoang: @dcap Oh man, our future generation LOL.†#
- Best thing to come out of #FLdebate @Self_deporter lives #
- lmao RT “@rbockmann: @MittRomney take some of that Cayman Islands money and hire a speech coach. Your stammering is killing me. #FLDebate € #
- We regulate alcohol & taxes from that help the economy. Only reason we don't do that w weed=2 many politicians/co's make $ while its illegal #
- Reagan and Nixon used their war on drugs each time to control ppl/ enforce mass arrests of protesters under guise of combatting drug war. BS #
- I agree. Legalize & regulate, reduce trafficking & crime RT “@MatteoLaCognata @dcap i'd say the same goes for prostitution -speaking n italy #
- PSA: The war on drugs, namely pot, is a joke. Keeping it illegal=many ppl employed/pockets lined. A weed tax wld reduce crime & help economy #
- .@kdando @calinative @corvida thanks, guys! in reply to kdando #
- hilarious RT “@KinoLorber: Friday's Portlandia took on our beloved CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI:†#
- whoop!! RT “@Colorlines: 'Mosquita y Mari' World Premiere at Sundance a 'Smashing Sucess'†#
- I'm biased but @corvida's a great speaker “@annfriedman RT @smwnyc we're still on the hunt for awesome women to add to our roster.†#
- Love to all the community managers out there. Thanks for everything you do! #cmgr #CMAD†#
- LOL RT @gavinpurcell Why certain ppl's smiles look like they're just biting & opening their mouth really wide? Did some1 teach em that move? #
- Today, last year, I was at the Elite Squad 2 screening @ Sundance. Today I'm going 2 dr.'s office 4 icy stairs-related injury. C'est la vie! #
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