- <3 RT @corvida Had amazing first day in Sydney connecting w new minds, seeing Newtown (awesome area). Looking forward @xmedialab tomorrow! #
- @corvida <3 RT “@shintabubu: Corvida Raven a famous young blogger frm US is on stage at XMedia Lab conference†#
- cc @corvida xo so proud of you RT “@roslynbaker: Sydney XMediaLab :Corvida Raven of Shegeeks best speaker so far #xmedialab € #
- My point is that there are people who really are the walking dead, afraid to really live & to connect with ppl. I'm here to LIVE <3 #
- One day my body will deteriorate. But that's not the end of me. I will rejoin the earth & celebrate my return. I'm not afraid 2 live & 2 die #
- When I think of who I am, I see a flaming, soaring Phoenix and I owe that to my experiences helping others & learning from them. I'm reborn. #
- And the beauty of activism is that you think it's to help others, & it is, but the gifts you receive from doing it are incredible :) winwin #
- And the more you practice self care and meet your own needs, the more effective your activism will be. #
- Everyone is an activist. Everyone has the potential to help at least one person. Do it your way. #
- But being an activist looks different for everyone. For me, it's how I live my life. How I live & what I do is my activism. #
- When ppl think of activists they often think of protesters or marches & go "that's not me/no time for that" #
- So, I give my money away whenever I can. And you know what? I'm not rich. But I live very well. And I never regret my choice to give. #
- We think pieces of paper with $ signs on it are worth more than human life. It's sick. I don't want to play that game. #
- When I say "money is fake" I don't mean that it doesn't matter. It does. But ppl suffer because we value money more than people. #
- Since money is fake, I don't have a problem with giving it away (when I can) to people who really need it. Money is fake. My needs are met. #
- "You say that I'm a dreamer/but I'm not the only one" #
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