- 4 new books for The Lair #
- @am_NYC welcome back xoxo in reply to am_NYC #
- watched "The Piano" and had an emotional breakdown. i can only revisit it every few years. it devastates me in new ways every time. #genius #
- #nowplaying Killing Me Softly With His Song by Lauryn Hill on @Grooveshark: #
- spent 2 hours chatting with a friend about me adopting next year. i'll never be a perfect parent but i can't wait to be a parent. #
- #nowplaying Lose Myself by Lauryn Hill on @Grooveshark: #
- #nowplaying Shake Shake Shake by White Denim on @Grooveshark: #
- wow :/ RT @hardlynormal There Are So Many Homeless In Virginia Beach Officials Are Pondering Official Tent City #
- @webanna Thanks for the RT! We need someone awesome :) in reply to webanna #
- JOB ALERT: @current is looking for a social media manager #fb #
- #nowplaying And Then He Kissed me by Shirelles on @Grooveshark: #
- preach RT @proBRUCEr Dear American youth: wearing socks + shower sandals makes you look like an elderly German tourist. Please cut it out. #
- ♥ Ritual Union by Little Dragon #lastfm #
- Just loved Little Dragon - Ritual Union on @hypem #
- Just loved Neon Indian - Polish Girl on @hypem #
- @jlbhart thanks chica! in reply to jlbhart #
- I find it funny that so many "social media strategists" don't know how to use their own co.'s publishing tools. #
- @jennimiller76 content strat tools/services 2 publishers + access 2 freelance journos from publications like New York Times, Wired, etc. in reply to jennimiller76 #
- JOB ALERT (NY): @gocontently is hiring a Senior Managing Editor and freelance writers, editors #
- Props to Danny R. Peralta, quoted here re: Bloomberg's $130 million plan to help young black & Latino men find jobs #fb #
- I almost always feel like that RT @jgoldner I wish it were about 15 degrees cooler. And I were eating a burrito. #
- :/ that sounds amazing #hungry RT @calinative Lobster mashed potatoes, son. #
- testing yfrog video: #
- Hi guys. I'm on my way to the @countdownKO offices. What are you up to today? #
- [at least they named one person of color :/] The Best Young Writers On The Internet #fb #
- [so cool] The "World's Largest" Stop Motion Animation Was Created With A Nokia N8 #fb #
- [awesome resource for journalists & educators] How You Can Use Our ‘Opportunity Gap’ Project in Your Reporting #fb #
- [i'm cautiously optimistic] Bloomberg to Use Own Funds in Plan to Aid Minority Youth #
- hm! “@PBSMediaShift: Facebook acquires e-book startup Push Pop Press "It mostly appears to be a talent acquisition"†#
- I think this Sat I want to sit in a park, bring a picnic lunch, and read books. #insomnia #randomthoughts #
- tour of MSLO in this week's TONY, painting work life there as idyllic..confusing after that recent story on how working for Martha is hell. #
- workin' it out (@ Countdown With Keith Olbermann) #
- @AlexAtIntel HA! in reply to AlexAtIntel #
- +1 ;) RT @jeremymeyers @dcap I blogged about that... "There's nothing inherently useful about being an early adopter" #
- Early adopters in any industry have to be patient while championing their strategy proposals/ideas. Resistance is par for the course. #
- I remember the days when journo colleagues thought it was weird how fanatical I was about Twitter/social media. Now, all tweet their stories #
- FYI, @countdownKO is on RIGHT NOW on @current. Coming up: What's next for the economy, secret surveillance law info, Worst Persons, and more #
- @robpratten yer welcome! i found it so handy, i bought the kindle version to have on-hand during my subway-as-library jaunts in reply to robpratten #
- hey @twittersuggests, maybe fix your algorithm so you stop suggesting people who are already following each other? #justsayin #
- hey y'all, @foursquare is hiring for multiple positions: #
- Beck = trash bag RT @filmfuturist Huh? RT @Storyful Glenn #Beck blames Michelle #Obama for new multi-racial #spiderman #
- - test pt 2 complaining about audio #
- using twitvid is a wonky UI for me. my internal mic settings on my laptop are kosh but the levels on my clips are suuuuuper low. hm. #
- - test test test :P #
- testing #BubbleTweet --> #
- :/ if only RT @MotherJones US's richest 400 could pay off all the nation's student loans & still be billionaires. #fb #
- "Catfish," a thriller-ish social networking gem, made No. 42 on @Current's "50 Documentaries to See Before You Die." #
- no prob! congrats on your new gig! RT @grmeyer @dcap thanks for sharing #
- TY, I just emailed RT @FedexRobin @dcap This is FedEx Robin. Would U mind emailing me the details so I can pass it on? #
- This guy found a job by participating on @Quora It pays to share knowledge, yep #socialmedia #employment #jobsearch #
- great resource RT @jlbhart Getting started in #transmedia a 'How-to' RT @robpratten: #
- Ha! RT @katefanfan Dear person doused in perfume, I'm so thrilled to be seated next to you on this flight. On opposite day. #
- @wesbos any help would be most appreciated, thanks. looking for evening and weekend classes for both in sept. in reply to wesbos #
- training RT @wesbos @dcap training or having someone develop one? #
- Besides @rollingstone, @bxwebb will be in People (iPad), Who Magazine (Australia) & Rolling Stone Brazil. I'll say it again: hire her now! #
- Don't miss Bashira Webb aka @bxwebb's double page spread in @rollingstone on August 5th(friday)! (1/2) #
- Tweeps: Who provides reputable, results-oriented HTML5 and mobile app classes in NYC? #
- @FedexRobin doesn't ever save my changes and in-person rep always directs me to call a # to address issues. hope site is addressed #
- @FedexRobin why is always down, and why can't reps at fedex stores update your account info in person? it's incredibly frustrating #
- exciting “@Soledad_OBrien: Tomorrow is the big day for the 8 entrepreneurs we're featuring in the next #blackinamerica†#
- word RT @moorehn RT @johnmcquaid: If the WSJ news staff wants to hang onto what's left of its rep, it should stop this #
- congrats, #oldman !! ;) RT @ronlieber Just noting ..that @mtvitamin has been at MTV for half of its 30 years. #massivestayingpower #oldman #
- Find out who made @keitholbermann's 'Worst Persons' list tonight on @countdownKO: Show airs again at 11/10c on @Current #
- can't wait to read it “@rickmarshall: Currently working on the relaunch of a weekly column I always loved writing... Woot!†#
- Joe Alert RT @NiemanLab The @AP is hiring an interactive producer in New York #
- @BentnWasted Syria has nothing to do w/USA? I'm sure Americans with family there disagree. I'm ignoring you now. buh bye. in reply to BentnWasted #
- i swear, only the republican folks who choose to follow me reply solely to argue. even when we're in agreement. it's hilarious. #
- @BentnWasted hm. fighting terrorism costs $, right? so wouldn't u agree we SHOULD increase taxes on the rich to support that? pay attention in reply to BentnWasted #
- If anything like #RamadanMassacre happens next year we won't B able 2 AFFORD 2 help thanks to this debt ceiling B.S. protecting the rich 2/2 #
- I hope #RamadanMassacre reminds Americans why this administration, like Clinton/Gore did, NEED 2 tax the rich 2 help support peace 1/2 #
- o_O ooo! RT @bperry Canon 5D Mark II Used for Action Shots Seen in Captain America: /via @petapixel #HDSLR #
- @KeithOlbermann's Special Comment tonight on @CountdownKO was dope. If you missed it, you can watch it again at 11/10c on @current #
- Job Alert (Bay Area): Funzio, next-gen social gaming co., is looking for a Community Manager #
- cool “@lheron: The 2nd issue of @longshotmag, a magazine designed, edited & published in 2 days†#
- ;) RT @JohnstonMike Yep it's stirred up a lot of memories for me too. *knuckle bump* @dcap #mtv30 #
- It's telling that has no marquee promo for their 30th. Their true demo doesn't care that MTV is 30 ;) Only us old folks care #mtv30 #
- MTV is just 2 months older than me. It's fun to reflect on my experience working at @mtvnews, all the changes, & the network's future #mtv30 #
- :D RT @soundofthecity Today's MTV's 30th! Celebrate w our slew of features on channel's past, present, & future #mtv30 #
- #nowplaying Tears of a Clown by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles on @Grooveshark: #musicmonday #
- RT @corvida amazing! “@rob_carlson: Foxconn to replace workers with 1 million robots in 3 years #China quot; #
- [that's it. I'm going to learn html5.] Adobe's Edge HTML5 Web Tool Blazes A Trail To The Post-Flash Internet #
- heartbreaking RT @daily America's most unemployed city is Yuma, Arizona. local lives turned upside down: #
- I am so scared of voice search app "Dragon Go!" Also a little aroused. #fb #
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