- #nowplaying Lauryn Hill - I used to love him "...replenished/content because that part of my life is finished" #
- #nowplaying Aretha Franklin Ft Lauryn Hill-A Rose Is Still A Rose #
- #nowplaying White Town - Your Woman "Now I know your heart, I know your mind/You don't even know you're bein' unkind" #
- #nowplaying Corona - Rhythm of the Night #
- I will be done with my foster parent training on 11/19! *does happy dance* #
- Best thing about zines is most zine creators don't give a shit about recognition from big media & as a result the medium cont.s to thrive <3 #
- Yay Shotgun Seamstress! Yay Girl Crush! --"Anatomy of a Zine: When Magazines Go Indie" #
- Finally saw Light Asylum live yesterday. Seat was onstage & I had delish margaritas and chips/guac w friends. So basically best day ever. #
- Fire at Public Assembly @ Public Assembly #
- @filmfuturist Where are you? Let's go to Coney Island tomorrow. The rides and freak show are calling #
- Light Asylum <3 (@ Union Pool) #
- Dear Obama, pls don't ask me 2 help U w anything as U cont. 2 cave 2 GOP evil. TarSands pipeline happens=you lose votes #
- :) on my list of great "keepin' it movin'" tracks RT @TameekaTime @dcap ;) i used to love that song #
- @Blerime hehe! if you can point me to any info about best turntable setup to transfer old records to different audio formats, would be great in reply to Blerime #
- Neon Indian's Era Extraña LP is out 9/13 on iTunes. I think I'm going 2 have to eat the cost & get a record player, I tire of tiny ear music #
- #nowplaying Neon Indian – “Hex Girlfriend† #
- where can i purchase dried white sage bundles in nyc? do they still sell that at the union square farmers market? #
- #nowplaying Mariah Carey - Shake It Off #
- #nowplaying Mya - Movin' On "I can't take it no more/oh no/I'm movin' on" #
- #nowplaying TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me "my hearts aflame/my body's strained/but god I like it" #
- #nowplaying Fiona Apple - Fast As You Can "Fast as you can leave me, let this thing run its route, fast as you can" #
- #nowplaying Hole - Violet "go on, take everything, take everything -- i want you to" #
- Light Asylum today at Union Pool. Hedgehog at Cake Shop Monday. I love you, 3 day weekend. #ehhhhrawk #
- Hedgehog, indie band from China, featured on Cool Hunting #
- nom (@ The Meatball Shop w/ 9 others) #
- Mobley enjoys his libation @ 2A #
- I'm excited to have all Teams & Light Asylum tracks on my iPhone now. This phone has been the catalyst for my most music purchases to date. #
- ♥ Dark Allies by Light Asylum #lastfm #
- #nowplaying Satisfaction - Rolling Stones :D #
- @jambajim no problemo! in reply to jambajim #
- Rad, thanks for sharing guys RT @washingtonpost Our new digital guidelines: #
- least 1x a day the creativity i discover through others makes me feel like happily fainting, ala southern belle who's soldier just returned #
- @jambajim I KNOW, right??? Check out "Shallow Tears": - blows mah mind. in reply to jambajim #
- cool beans RT @Mewshop I just uploaded "EditFest NY 2011 "Finding the Moment Panel" Brad Fuller" on Vimeo: #
- #nowplaying DARK ALLIES - LIGHT ASYLUM <3 #TGImofoF #
- Light Asylum at Union Pool in BK this Sat, guys!!! FREE <3 4-8PM Be there for mad high fives from me. #
- #nowplaying Whodini- Friends #
- #nowplaying Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own #
- #nowplaying Cake - I Will Survive #
- ! RT @NewsHour Device run by iPod Touch, iPad or Android tablet could help diagnose cancers in poor or rural settings #
- *Nelson laugh* HA HAAAA RT @arstechnica Apple relents, begins selling "old" Final Cut Studio again: by @ejacqui #
- #nowplaying Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy #
- Hi @USAirways, I sent request via your customer relations form. I hoping we can resolve the issue. TY for your time. - Daniela Capistrano #
- I can't wait for Mexico w my mother at the end of September. We're both celebrating milestones. I'm thankful 4 her consistent love & support #
- #nowplaying The Knife - Heartbeats #
- it's a new day. :) #
- Omg I forgot that Lt. Yar was killed by some evil black puddle. This episode of ST:TNG is traumatizing me. #
- :/ trashbags RT “@moopigmoo: @dcap Yeah, that shirt was unbelievable, but they're still selling this one: It's a shame. #
- @JCPenney Excuse me, not only was that "girls too cute for homework" shirt a throwback 2 an oppressive time, it's F+CKING UGLY. Double shame #
- never shopping there again RT @ejacqui I don't accept @JCPenney's apology. Any1 w a brain wouldn't have allowed it 2 begin with #
- @jlbhart @filmfuturist @TransmediaNYC I won't be able to attend for several months but I support you in spirit <3 Congrats on your growth in reply to jlbhart #
- #nowplaying Janet Jackson - Together Again #
- "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault." - John Henry Newman #
- "Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing." - Harriet Braiker #
- I like Ximena's 2008 debut "Mediocre." This electronic, over produced stuff in English discredits her talent. I hope she finds her stride #
- :/ I wanted 2 like Ximena Sarinana's english-language album but it sounds like a whiny girl's diary. I prefer her in Spanish, more acoustic #
- @OliveTonic and revolve around me!!!! #meeeeeee in reply to OliveTonic #
- meet me at highline's the lot tomorrow at 6 PM 10th ave and 30th st RT @OliveTonic @dcap i'm going to buy 3 bags of tater tots tomorrow thx #
- tots from Gorilla Cheese NYC <3 @ The High Line #
- Food truck dinna time! (@ High Line w/ 17 others) #
- #nowplaying House Of pain - Jump Around #fratboy #magic #
- #nowplaying o_O MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This #skaterinktrack #
- #nowplaying Baby Got Back - Sir Mix A Lot #heehee #
- #nowplaying Cars That Go Boom - L'Trimm <3 #
- #nowplaying Boom I Got Your Boyfriend - MC Luscious #
- dope RT @nytimesphoto "This is what I do. This is all that I know." #JoaoSilva on photojournalism - and perseverance #photos #
- [Just posted] #InMyEar Teams, Bo Grumpus, Le Butcherettes, Lucinda Williams, Light Asylum #
- @JohnstonMike part of it, but was honestly bored. I respect my colleagues who worked on it, t did great #s on air/online. i wasn't into it in reply to JohnstonMike #
- My new fav artist for now is Teams <3 #nowplaying Anml Life - Teams sounds like a happy hangover drive to In-N-Out #
- these days I feel like all mainstream rap singles sound like a mixtape throwing up. same words. same cadence. same o'l bullshit. #
- #nowplaying Kanye West, Jay-Z - Otis I honestly wouldn't like this song without the Otis Redding sample. I love him. #
- I think I will spend this AM drinking tea, listening to music, looking at the beautiful post #Irene sky and not answering emails. #
- heehee RT “@quirkyknitgirl: @chanelleberlin @shananaomi @dcap Tangled is awesome. #whowantstogrowupanyway € #
- @shananaomi Eh, I went home, had a lunchable and watched "Tangled," because apparently I just graduated from preschool in reply to shananaomi #
- Captain's Log, Stardate 10010001... I am very hungry and would also like a lime with salt on it, preferably attached to a libation. #
- @thetacotruck nom nom (@ High Line w/ 19 others) #
- @filmfuturist Yep! I'm very lucky. Left my bldg in evac zone & chilled in JC Heights. Just called super & power is back in my bldg. You? in reply to filmfuturist #
- Link by Link: In Times of Unrest, Social Networks Can Be a Distraction (Noam Cohen/New York Times) #
- I love this. #
- Just loved TV Girl - Baby You Were There on @hypem #
- Just loved Teams - Anml Life on @hypem #
- Just loved Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - you're all i need to get by on @hypem #
- Just loved Bo Grumpus - Sparrow Tune on @hypem #
- Just loved Onra - The Anthem (Flume Remix) on @hypem #
- Just loved Jay-Z & Kanye West - Otis on @hypem #
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