- View from room at Cancun Caribe Park Royal Grand #
- packing for Mexicooooooooo #
- @nmillions I'm sad we missed each other in NY! I'll be in Cali in Nov. I like your new userpic, btw :D #
- My answer on @Quora to: What are some cultural faux pas in New York? #
- yes, feel free to tell cabs which route to take! RT @brainpicker cultural do's and don'ts of life in New York #
- I just donated to support the 2012 @BarackObama campaign before the September 30th fundraising deadline. Join me here: #
- Hey @thelampnyc! TEDYouth is November 19 in NYC & they're accepting applications! Pass it on! 300 seats 6-12 graders #
- Good! RT “@digiphile: U.S. House turns on live XML feed @SpeakerBoehner held #opengov promise:†#
- Had a great first mtg with my new mentor David Edelstein at Click 3x Entertainment. We're part of the promaxbda executive mentorship program #
- Susan Sarandon knows #occupywallstreet is working (pic) #
- These complacent journalists @ their desks, idly reporting off bad reporting. Go down there & talk 2 people- more than 1 #occupywallstreet #
- If @motherjones doesn't publish a follow-up post detailing how #occupywallstreet IS working, I am canceling my subscription. Fuck that. #
- Even teenagers w/out journo degrees understand the potential of #occupywallstreet Thank God for the livefeed and first-person accounts. #
- @motherjones, one of my fav publications, let down #occupywallstreet today. Yes, saying "not working" this early IS throwing it under a bus. #
- Lauren Ellis cld have easily written a piece called "how #occupywallstreet IS working" but chose 2 nitpick in the EARLY STAGES of a movement #
- Any "journalist" who claims #occupywallstreet "isn't working" doesn't have a clear grasp of the democratic process -- or Internet access. #
- Thanks! In the meantime, pls watch this -- Lauren Ellis should have: RT NickBaumann nbaumann [at] motherjones [dot] com #
- @NickBaumann If you truly want to have a discussion about it at any point, DM me your email. I don't debate on Twitter. Thanks 4 responding. in reply to NickBaumann #
- @NickBaumann I wouldn't comment on an article I didn't read. :/ The movement is working, anyone watching can see the support growing. in reply to NickBaumann #
- @motherjones You are the LAST publication I would have guessed would throw #occupywallstreet under a bus. It's a new movement. Be patient :/ #
- Really??? *SNL voice* SEO baiting at the expense of many #fail RT @motherjones Why #occupywallstreet Isn't Working #
- Street art! RT @ goodglobalcitiz Filming in Belize & Costa Rica..What would YOU like to see covered in's next series? #
- I noticed some of my followers went away. I assume it's because of my frequent #occupywallstreet RTs & tweets. If so, then peace out bitches #
- ha RT @parislemon Let it be known that is referring a little over twice the traffic to TechCrunch than Google+. #
- @GiniaNYT Luckily people can watch #OccupyWallStreet livefeed/read their website updates & find that your story is full of holes and biased in reply to GiniaNYT #
- <3 RT “@corvida: Awesome time interviewing @IAMQueenLatifah & meeting @PennyPinchinMom @gopetfriendly this morning. #powermoves € #
- [Just posted] #InMyEar Alabama Shakes, Zola Jesus and misc. track magic #
- Can't wait to see you guys live!!! RT @Alabama_Shakes @WillCrain1 NYC for CMJ OCT 20 ooo yeah. Bowery Ballroom. #
- I need to try this out today RT @v_ness Google opens its social network to all & video hangouts come to your mobile. #
- #nowplaying Nas feat Lauryn Hill - If I Ruled The World #
- @xenijardin @moth I know! I'm going to Mexico next week and will be asking people what they think for my zine. We're all connected. in reply to xenijardin #
- I'm working on a 2nd issue of my zine, BAD MEXICAN, to release in Dec. What would U like me to include? Review of 1st: #
- @corvida #nowplaying #foryou Sea of Love by Cat Power in reply to corvida #
- @Rosental Despite the tragedy, it really makes you think about how much potential social media has to affect change and combat injustice. in reply to Rosental #
- I'm so glad @corvida posted about her @mlovesociety and @tedglobal conference experiences in Europe: <3 <3 <3 #
- More channels coming to @YouTube that are being cultivated to compete with TV: #
- <3 RT @Skateistan Apply to volunteer for Skateistan #skate #volunteer #
- Don't let someone else's label keep you from collaborating with them on shared ideals. #
- Feminist. Anarchist. Progressive. Post-punk. Great. Labels are what they are but don't box yourself in on your journey to peace & equality. #
- @laurenthedark you and @corvida and your local outsourcing. keeping america in business. i salute you. in reply to laurenthedark #
- @laurenthedark tip well chica! tip well! <3 in reply to laurenthedark #
- Obviously trans and POC communities/identities overlap, not implying they don't. #
- True gender equality will never happen unless feminist groups work together & don't render trans and POC feedback as noise behind "real"work #
- I'm glad @slutwalknyc is working 2 address issues of inclusivity & bridge building many have raised. another statement: #
- I wish @Toure had mentioned @janellemonae in his book too but that doesn't mean it's any less enlightening & exciting #
- #occupywallstreet please tell the livestream team to announce when they change shifts, would help a lot during dead feed. TY guys! <3 #
- the police brutality reports have inspired me to do more than donate $. when i'm back in nyc after 10/4 i'm pitching in #occupywallstreet #
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