- I'm sorry, if you're still not "clear" on what #occupywallstreet is about, you need a 101 class on Googling and following Twitter hashtags. #
- Post-doctor mojito time w @corvida (@ Cinema Cafe Restaurant) #
- I hate my fear of doctors. It's such a first world problem. Forcing myself 2 go 2day. I've just had bad experiences that make me distrustful #
- I like pandas. Not a fan of koalas. They look lazy and evil. #
- #nowplaying Michael Jackson - Remember The Time #
- @minnes If you travel a lot, air. If you edit video heavily and need DVD burning capabilities/other ports, pro. in reply to minnes #
- This 90's-riffic web site reminds me of the sites I used to make as a kid. I love this -- not mocking it at all <3 #
- #nowplaying TOTAL - Kissing You //cc @corvida #
- #nowplaying Real Love Happy Friday, y'all. PSA: I know I've been tweeting #occupywallstreet a ton. Not going to stop. #
- ...the irony is that I need to go to a doctor to treat my Iatrophobia. so, you know. that hasn't happened yet. #
- I have health care privilege. I'm insured... and have Iatrophobia (fear of doctors). Why I haven't gone even though I need 2. Dumb dumb dumb #
- @laurenthedark if you don't write a book i am going to throw a mother effing BF! #bitchfit #butseriously #youaremyfavswriter #
- @UncleRUSH I agree. However, @KeithOlbermann has been covering #occupywallstreet for some time now -- take a look: #
- @wingstwospirit you rock! #occupywallstreet #
- The only reason the media is covering #occupywallstreet now is because of social media. Take 5 minutes 2 educate yourself on what's going on #
- Steve Jobs was a visionary, but wake up. If you have time to wax eloquent, you have time to support #occupywallstreet RT, discuss, share. #
- Another way you can show <3 #BackToTheBronx is to donate any amount to Bronx schools: Help these passionate teachers! #
- I wish I could be at the #occupywallstreet march today -- here's info: #
- I'll be @ Liberty Square 10/6 @ 11 a.m. to find livestream team. I want to support what they're doing besides donating $. #occupywallstreet #
- tontos RT shananaomi @dcap isn't it weird that Siri is available in English, French & German - but not Spanish? spoken by half the world? #
- @shananaomi also (coolest for me) the iPhone4S will be a world phone w more options. more: #
- @shananaomi Basically the iPhone 4S changes turn your phone into Computer from ST:TNG. Siri voice command. 3GS will be free w/plan. in reply to shananaomi #
- I <3 u guys RT @nypl Do u know a child w/overdue fines? Bring back overdue books, have fines waived get back 2 reading! #
- +100 RT @MonsieurCS My next music project will be called The Industrious Pervs #
- I wish @TheRoot247 didn't limit their Root 100 list to 25-45. @missravensymone, @corvida, Myles Miller & others shld have been on that list #
- nice RT @davidhoang If you want to pay me a retainer of $2,000 per month, I'll call your iPhone 4S an iPhone 5 if that makes you feel better #
- #nowplaying Santeria - Sublime... backing up iMac, upgrading to OS X Lion, getting all the iPhone info I need to know from @corvida #
- @samiam010203 i can't take anonymous trolls seriously. go back under your bridge and cont. diddling yourself w/ your sad fantasies. tata in reply to samiam010203 #
- I may not agree w anonymous racist trolls/human trash bags like @samiam010203, but I'm pro free speech because without it we're all screwed. #
- @samiam010203 I can RT whatever I want to. If you don't want people to share info you share publicly, make your tweets private. in reply to samiam010203 #
- At least @motherjones is - like many now that protest growth is undeniable -now sharing #OccupyWallStreet resources: #
- TY @motherjones for redeeming yourselves for your awful foray into #OccupyWallStreet "coverage" that was anything but "fearless journalism" #
- It feels liberating to unfollow/unfan all the news orgs who have published inaccurate #occupywallstreet coverage. My eyes/traffic, my choice #
- lmao thanks <3 RT @laurenthedark @dcap She means Sugar Momma in ebonics ;) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! RT @corvida Happy birthday to my money puddin pop #
- Hi, NYC. (@ LaGuardia Airport (LGA) w/ 68 others) #
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