- brainstorming with @corvida and @laurenthedark (@ The Meatball Shop w/ 4 others) #
- .@corvida testing her new camera in the park @ Fort Greene Park #
- Photo exploration (@ Fort Greene Park w/ 11 others) #
- no naps 'til brooklyn #
- #buynothingday activities include movies marathon, reading and a napapotamous sighting every few hours #
- LOL RT “@VictorBalta: MESSAGE!!! RT @dcap: Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood #ThanksgivingClassic € #
- Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood #ThanksgivingClassic #
- Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Delicatessen. City of the Lost Children's bipolar cousin? #
- cooking up a storm. thankful for my family and friends, for artists, music, truth-seekers, justice fighters, movies and really good wine <3 #
- lmao RT “@OliveTonic: Yeahhh snoopy tear shit up dawg, float on! float on!†#
- Working remotely. Now, off to buy feast-related ingredients before heading to the office. Shwing! #
- Ha! I'll try not to ;) RT @katefanfan @harperharper @dcap @MonsieurCS (one of the PSAs basically said, "don't cook and drink") #
- nomnom Thanks! RT @harperharper @dcap its worked for me :) or you could be like @MonsieurCS and deep fry it - dangerous but delicious... #
- Is that a real thing? U effin w me, Harps? ;) RT @harperharper @dcap put it in a large paper bag (the inside coated with butter) :) #
- @ronmarz The Barnes & Nobles in Union Square in NYC is always packed, as is the nearby GameStop. Geography a factor, maybe. in reply to ronmarz #
- Turkey talk: What are your special tricks? I'm making my first turkey tomorrow. HALP ME! HALP MEH PLEASE! #
- Female Cable Execs Talk The Future Of TV | Fast Company via @fastcompany #
- If you never liked Dunkaroos, I need you to unfollow me immediately because you are evil #
- +1 “@laurenthedark: @corvida @dcap Video documenting the project (on iPhone) from inception to fruition, starting with plotting over steak.†#
- [just posted] On My Radar: #iPhone #filmmaking gadgets, tips and tricks #
- #nowplaying Timbaland - The Way I Are ft. Keri Hilson, D.O.E., Sebastian cc @corvida #
- #nowplaying The Rolling Stones performing "Under My Thumb" #
- #nowplaying Miles Davis - Chez Le Photographe Du Motel on @hypem #
- #nowplaying Florence + The Machine - No Light, No Light (Breakage Remix) on @hypem #
- <3 RT “@pitchforkmedia: Watch: The Roots Play Fishbone's "Lyin' Ass Bitch" for Michele Bachmann on "Jimmy Fallon"†#
- Looking forward to attending @columbiajourn's "Social Media One-Night Stand" advanced workshop on 12/1 #digitalcity #
- Can't wait to tour the @sunshineny Bronx Business Incubator space on 11/28! #NYC #digitalcity #startup #
- .@sunshineny Hi, I am interested in renting space at the BX location. #startups in reply to sunshineny #
- I'm going to this free NYC event: Growing Up Policed: Surveilling Racialized Sexualities Mini-Conference #
- .@rachelclarke Thank you for your #FoE5 liveblog posts! Very helpful #
- *the count voice* Zero! Zero f*cks I give for #AMAs Bwaaahahahaaa *lightening bolts* #
- hrmmmm RT “@moorehn: Awesome. RT @ReformedBroker Occupy Wall Street! The Musical†#ows #
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