
Explore Daniela Capistrano’s original writing and reporting.
  • . @Netflixhelps will you please add subtitle options for all films released with those options? Yer alienating foreign film lovers, bad move #
  • . @Netflix will you please add subtitle options for all films released with those options? Yer alienating foreign film lovers, bad move :/ #
  • So glad I missed the #IowaDebate My brain saw the tweets and hid the remote. #justthetwoofus #wecanmakeitifwetry #
  • .@dedmonds thanks! i used an online editing site to customize it (no app, boo): -- i hope they release an iPhone app soon in reply to dedmonds #
  • TY! “@TheDandy: @dcap Thanks for letting me know! Great article, let's hope it makes those busybodies at Gmail see the error of their ways!” #
  • . @corvida I see yer using the Flipboard iPhone app at the salon. Way to be a BK digirati hipster. ;) #
  • +1 “@corvida: I want in my room! RT @dornobdesign: Air-Powered, Star-Trek-Inspired Sliding Door 4 DIY Geeks cc @dcap” #
  • Gasp! I found my childhood babysitter on Twitter! Hi, @darlynnester! She always played the best music in her car. <3 #
  • @mathewi I did a Storify roundup yesterday covering that gmail/g+ integration, would appreciate feedback: in reply to mathewi #
  • Nice! RT “@rosamramirez: Newt’s half sister, a gay-rights activists, says she's voting for Obama:” #
  • Gmail's redesign: Why advertisers will benefit more than the user via @Storify #
  • :/ RT @WHATYOUWRITE Anti-graffiti campaign under way in Brooklyn #
  • #nowplaying Me and Julio Down By the School Yard - Paul Simon ^_^ #
  • Gmail's redesign: Why advertisers will benefit more than the user via @Storify #
  • @TheDandy @unexia @dcap I've quoted you in my story "Gmail's redesign: Why advertisers will benefit more than the user" #
  • @ketanpkr @shanselman I've quoted you in my story "Gmail's redesign: Why advertisers will benefit more than the user" #
  • i suspect time spent in gmail was a factor in this redesign. which may please advertisers, but is punishing the user who needs 2 get in/out! #
  • and yes, i did send feedback to gmail re: the redesign. if i can't keep the old version longterm i'm going to migrate to a new email system. #
  • UI/UX strat is about human needs, not showing off the latest tricks in ur hat. the gmail redesign clearly wasn't intended for human use. #
  • i shdnt have 2 wave my mouse all over t screen like a wand 2 unhide gmail features i depend on. this wasn't a redesign. it was Schadenfreude #
  • How do I find my starred items now, gmail? I don't want my email sessions to be treasure hunts #timewaster #fail #
  • Why are labels suddenly gone from the left rail on gmail & not easily added back? I relied on those to stay organized/do my job. #
  • New gmail redesign feels like it was architected by a sadist. Vanishing buttons. Pointless transparent overlays. Email shdnt B n S&M session #
  • One might say, "Gmail is free, why complain?" We give our data to them=they make billions. Least they can do=not give me instant eye fatigue #
  • so, gmail redesign. i haven't hated something on the Internet so much in a very long time. #
  • lmao! xo RT @corvida @dcap ... which is exactly why I don't have a car. Hit that subway window. #
  • #nowplaying Bust Your Windows (out your car) - sung by Mercedes cc @corvida #
  • .@corvida also, discussing anything with me is NEVER wasting any minutes. #getitright #
  • @corvida i don't want to debate! i was going to respond to the question you asked me. #scorpio #overit #siloyourthoughtprocessthen #peace in reply to corvida #
  • yr missing the point. lets talk about it IRL later RT @corvida @lynneluvah A host a people or just the choir following the choir? cc @dcap #
  • FINE ;P Thanks for being open-minded to adding it, regardless RT @corvida @dcap I'm not blogging about that button. #
  • :0 ooo RT @DETAILS: mansions have nothing on these little houses that R equipped with all the space u need 2 live large #
  • .@corvida ok, but you have to promote that it's there (beyond your reply). blog post. then wait two weeks and track yr subscriber count. in reply to corvida #
  • .@corvida my last point is that throwing around words like "useless" in any context about subscribe plugin at this state is premature. my 2c #
  • again, maybe for you, but others reaping rewards RT @corvida @dcap Benefits on media level are obvious, but on a personal level it's useless #
  • Hey! That hair looks familiar: On the Street…..The Cut, Istanbul #
  • psa: just because something doesn't work for your biz/creative goals doesn't mean it's not useful or a $ generating tool for others. #
  • .@corvida many media entities have specific uniques they need to meet in order to stay in business. trust they will be utilizing subscribe #
  • @corvida it's fine if you don't want 2 use subscribe. but behaving as if it won't be a boon 4 others to meet biz goals is still shortsighted in reply to corvida #
  • .@corvida if ppl are plugged into your FB updates to shegeeks content via subscribe, you'll cont to succeed at that. they're already on FB. in reply to corvida #
  • .@corvida if u want 2 meet ppl where they r at, instead of confining them 2ur rss feed as metrics tool(?), you'll consider subscribe button #
  • @corvida you may prefer it, but be realistic about how many ppl actually use RSS. i don't access your feed. i get your links from FB. in reply to corvida #
  • Your prerogative! But I bet you will eventually. Unless you don't like web traffic #s to jump. RT @corvida @dcap No thank you. #
  • @corvida subscribe button on shegeeks catch -- make sure you message it's there on twitter. then see how fast your #s jump. #
  • @corvida I think you're being prematurely resistant to the "subscribe" plugin. Try it on your site and then track how much your #s jump. in reply to corvida #
  • @corvida @lynneluvah Many people do, particularly media industry people. Both for curiosity and scoping competition. in reply to corvida #
  • wOot!! RT @SaraJBenincasa 6 states, 4 months, maybe a show near you! #
  • If you want to up your cool points, or at least learn something interesting, follow @Inzombia. She's a big supporter of @poczineproject <3 #
  • Twitter Introduces Brand Pages via @mashable #
  • I love the way that @Mashable is using the new "Subscribe" plugin button on bio pages: cc @corvida @lynneluvah #
  • #nowplaying Neon Indian - Sleep Paralysist #
  • Check out @SUNfiltered! It's the latest addition in my indie film feeds :) #
  • #nowplaying Corinne Bailey Rae - Closer #
  • More thoughts on Google Music, shared on Google+ #
  • Google Music's Big Mistake: Ignoring Frictionless Sharing [PHOTO] #
  • .@soapdotcom Will u please update your iPhone app 2 include the ability to order pet care & other items across all your sites? 'Preciate it. #
  • .@cshirky Hi! Why haven't you opted into Subscribe on Facebook? Shouldn't tech authorities be early adopters? I'd like to subscribe to you. #
  • Being famous 4 doing/making something stupid is not new. I'm curious re: how a new artistic renaissance will go down w/ the bar dropping #
  • Things come full circle and there are limits to the amount of garbage ppl will consume. Co's need 2 be mindful of how much crap they produce #
  • ...the best companies balance their million+ views online crap with quality and still profit. it happens. you can do it. (2/2) #
  • ... all that millions of views 4 crappy content = what we already know from stupid tv shows: many people r easily-manipulated sheeple (1/2) #
  • Just because something has millions of views, doesn't make it quality content or artistically relevant. #
  • .@elbloombito Muy malo decisiones to attempto blocko release of emails en medio de usted y Cathie Black! #
  • FaceTime sex, sex work and phone sex practices. How are they connected? Tell me now, please. #
  • .@joseiswriting TY 4 everything yr doing re: #immigration I intv'd some young @Trail2010 #DREAMAct activists last year #
  • Ah! Bingo! RT @JennGrauer @dcap I think we are both following one of Sree's Social Media lists...were you at his One Night Stand workshop? #
  • Video: Homeless family occupies foreclosed homes in Brooklyn #ows #
  • .@JennGrauer Thanks for following! How did you find me? #
  • [great for staff/talent branding efforts] Facebook To Launch A Subscribe Button For Websites via @techcrunch #
  • "There's beauty in the breakdown" #
  • Before I knew the definition of "kingpin," I had a dream that explained it to me about a Colombian drug lord + territory battle. I was five. #
  • [^_^] Comedian @PattonOswalt calls out @RickSantorum, @MicheleBachmann for hysterical homophobia #LGBT via @CountdownKO #
  • @tgirlsadie I know, right? Good luck today! in reply to tgirlsadie #
  • FREE film screenings at "Films For the Occupation" December 13-16 #ows #nyc via @rooftopfilms #
  • damn put me on front street ;) RT @corvida @dcap you owe me love in your bio #
  • GETTING IT RT @TheByliner Amy Tan's "Rules for Virgins." Her first fiction in 6 years, now a bestselling $2.99 ebook. #
  • .@NYCoRE3000 You are AMAZING. "New York Collective of Radical Educators" -- I can't. *covers face with happiness* #
  • Tried that already. Firefox is just a hot mess these days. RT @jeremymeyers @dcap @LJGhost clear your caches. #
  • Firefox crashed on me over 10x yesterday. But Chrome has issues too :/ RT @LJGhost @dcap So annoying I moved to Google Chrome. #
  • #nowplaying iwrestledabearonce - You know that ain't them dogs' real voices This song and video makes me feel old. #
  • Who's tired of Firefox crashing? *raises hand* #
  • Are you seriously still complaining about TV commercials? They pay for the shows you <3. Do what I do: utilize the mute button. #
  • No thank you RT @Tecnodega @dcap Follow us back please! We are a Latino Daily Deal site! We bring discounts to you on products in NY/NJ #
  • I unlocked the The Muppets: Box Office sticker on @GetGlue! #
  • Finally getting around to finishing this. It's the third doc I've watched from my iPhone. @GetGlue #pageone #
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Explore Daniela Capistrano’s original writing and reporting.

