- I'm going 2 start using lists more on Twitter & only follow the 500 or so people, companies and orgs that matter 2 me. I'm sick of the noise #
- +1 RT “@hnigatu: Friendly reminder: people of color is not the same thing as colored people o.O #IvyQ € #
- What does it even mean to follow more than 5k people? That is simply cray cray. I'm going to pare down who I'm following to a solid 500. #
- Doing quick Hootsuite sheduling test. Want to make sure it posts exactly when I schedule it & note the time difference #
- Testing the Hipster app. #hipster #
- Staring at a bunch of receipts and hoping they'll start scanning themselves. #
- #nowplaying Gonjasufi - The Blame tx for the tip @bxwebb #
- #nowplaying Whitney Houston,Poka - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Felipe Avelar Re-Rub) on @hypem #
- <3 RT @TaraBusch My @bat_for_lashes remix for 'Daniel' is on her site download it if you please... #
- Please sign this petition: AMAZON WATCH » Chief Raoni and the Kayapo Under Attack!: #
- MESSAGE <3 RT @DeepakChopra Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you. #
- There is sthing about "social tv" right now that I find very pandering & not in sync w how I already share. Watching space for improvements. #
- #nowplaying Whitney Houston - Run To You #
- wldn't have 2 do this if I made expense notes all year but this way makes it tolerable 2 catch up on tallying expenses (see previous tweets) #
- It's very easy. I export all my 2011 account activity as a .csv file from, then add another column 2 note expense type. #
- I'm doing something very romantic this morning: ensuring I get more $ back by counting up all my expenses from last year #Iloveyoudaniela #
- I'd love to but I'm not a teacher! Can I still attend? RT @NYCoRE3000 @dcap come to our next member meeting! Feb 17th @ nyu #
- .@OliveTonic hi dj pony skin, I like your new pic, just watching the enterprise being attacked by romulans, same 'ole in reply to OliveTonic #
- I could use some sushi right now with @corvida. #dreamingofunagi #
- Twitterlandia, I gave my cat Fellow a bath this weekend and I'm still recovering from the trauma. I'll be back soon, promise. #catscreams #
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