- lol “@hnigatu: Pills, pills, pills #CVSremix € #
- .@rp92672 Thanks! I am following @careyfuller. Wanted to add her in my tweet by my phone wouldn't let me pull up her handle. in reply to rp92672 #
- .@themermaidnyc I'm definitely returning to enjoy your sumptuous oysters. Thanks for the excellent service! in reply to themermaidnyc #
- @BarackObama's FY 2013 budget: what you need to know about how it impacts #children and #teens in #fostercare #
- lmao “@brooke: Hey white middle aged dude asking Siri where the nearest Chipotle is? Please just stop. Just stop.†#
- I donate funds to classrooms in the south bronx through, this year I'm switching to helping homeless youth orgs in nyc #
- It's incredible, the stories u can find on twitter about personal experiences with homelessness. I have @hardlynormal to thank for that info #
- Mermaid Oyster Bar just taught me that you can actually have too many oysters. I blame @bxwebb. #delicious #divine #
- #winning “@Hnics85: Pretty sure I walked by John Larroquette while drinking my Jamba Juice #ATTHESAMEDAMNTIME € #
- .@corvida @IdoNotes Q: Why did the pigeon cross the road? A: Cuz it was a thuggish nasty ass pigeon from NYC, didn't fear moving vehicles. in reply to corvida #
- GOP: "Rapists R 'gift givers' 2 yr vagina. If U fear rape/dealing w an unwanted pregnancy, put aspirin in yr slut hole that we <3 so much." #
- I can't wait for more loose lipped crazies to crawl out of the woodwork & endorse GOP POTUS candidates. So helpful, thanks guys #
- please endorse romney “@TuckerMax Planned Parenthood cooler if was giant flight of stairs, w/some1 pushing girls down like water park slide†#
- so cool “@LatinaAfricana: I just found how to use the MLA to cite a tweet:†#
- yay mamas! “@shananaomi: happy birthday to my most amazing mother @lesliedean, who continues to inspire me in so many ways.†#
- Hopefully to coincide with more job openings “@mashable: White House to Developers: Help Us Build Job Search Apps -†#
- "Oh, I thought you said 'punchluence.'" Then I'd smile sweetly #likeaboss #
- If I was on a date and someone asked me about my "pinfluence," I would punch them in the face. #
- word “@perlapell: I don't condone profiling in any way but I do wish airports had a more comprehensive "don't fly due to farts" list.†#
- .@jacobsoboroff dangerous! who are you, that insurance guy who goes raccoon mode in an attic and jumps on cars? ;) in reply to jacobsoboroff #
- .@jambajim if yer in town let's go next week! it's on me if you get the fancy ifc popcorn. in reply to jambajim #
- .@jambajim WAIT! jokey joke? It's like $18 per ticket for Pina 3D at IFC, not $60. Don't be messin' with my brainz. in reply to jambajim #
- WTF $60? And no lap dance? Rude RT @jambajim @dcap OMG IT'S SO GOOD. I'd consider seeing it again w you but 3D movie tix are like $60. :) #
- When adults in my life piss me off, I work on and I feel much better. Remembering my priorities, sharing resources. #
- So, yeah, if someone doesn't go see Pina 3D with me at IFC soon I'm going to ... go see it alone. WITH mah buddeh IMAGINATION. #youjealous #
- LOL you got jokes, Chris??? cc @corvida :P :) RT @IdoNotes @dcap so listen can you do me a favor :-). in reply to IdoNotes #
- .@IdoNotes Clear signs someone is a user: Contact U only when they want something from U. Rarely/never there when U need them. Easy to spot. in reply to IdoNotes #
- :/ wut RT @ainaabiodun omg this happened 2 me! RT @ANIMALNewYork Check Bank Statements, NYC Taxi Credit Cards Hacked #
- Try this: Stay away from some1 in your life U suspect is a user/not a real friend & measure how much yr life tangibly improves. Cuz it will. #
- This movie reminded me of times I had forgotten about (@ AMC Loews Village 7 for Project X w/ 5 others) #
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