
What am I doing tonight? Professor Thoms' Bar - Horror Flick Tuesdays: Saw/9pm
*free shots of bloody kamikazee anytime that creepy little puppet makes an appearance*
If all else fails, I like to see how many people I can get free games of chess out of in several parks around the city, but if you aren't into chess or don't have an imagination, you can also check out this site: FREENYC.
Updated on a daily basis, FREENYC helps those with tiny budgets and the inability to Google to find fun & free things to do. Example from their site: Tonight is the Museum Mile Festival. It's the one time of year that nine of the country's finest museums, all ones that call Fifth Avenue home, collectively open their doors for free to New Yorkers and visitors for a mile-long block party and visual art celebration. This traffic-free, music and art-filled celebration fills the street and sidewalks of Fifth Avenue from 82nd to 105th street. Over 50,000 visitors attend the festival annually. Click here for map and schedule. _______________ Some FREE/LOW-COST IN NYC Links WIFI SPOTS - 'nuff said. The Broke City Dweller - get answers to your "I'm broke and need/looking for _____" questions Bumble and Bumble - free good haircuts NYC Open Bar Search - Where's all the free booze???!!! Oh, here. I will be randomly blogging about my experiments in cheap/no cost NYC summer fun. TAG: Summer 2007Related Articles
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