Hi, I'm Daniela Capistrano
Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology, and pop culture.
Strategic Rebellion. Measurable Results.
My name is Daniela Capistrano (they/them) aka @dcap on Twitter. I am a latinx queer trans non-binary entrepreneur, podcaster, storyteller, journalist, content strategist, emerging media consultant, and proud parent. While working as a senior producer for media companies such as MTV Networks, I founded DCAP Media LLC in 2010 as my business home to work on creative projects with inspiring folks around the world. I also founded @POCZineProject in 2010 as my ongoing experiment in art, activism, and community through materiality. I’ve been a full-time entrepreneur and “good trouble”-maker since 2015 & I wouldn’t have it any other way!
About Work
This Is Where Thoughts Become Things.

Since 2005, I have supported media companies, startups, and nonprofits through developing and leading original content and community initiatives for all screens, as well as integrated marketing campaigns that support revenue and engagement goals.

I’ve been writing/reporting for newsrooms and media outlets since 2006. Explore some of my clips on Muckrack. ICYMI: subscribe to my podcast: Non-Binary Entrepreneurship with Daniela Capistrano.

Content Strategist
From being EIC for
TransLash Zine since 2019, to helping PBS develop and launch their first newsletter and other original content for REEL SOUTH, I like to work with select people who align with my values on creative projects that are in the interest of social good.

Public Speaker
Since 2010, I have been a dynamic guest speaker/workshop lead at over 50 universities, organizations, and conferences nationwide, including Brown University, UCLA, Barnard College, Allied Media Conference, ALA Annual Conference, L.A. Zine Fest, and more.
About company
What they’re talking about us?
There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour, or randomised words believable.

Christine Eve
Founder & CEO

Kevin Smith

Jessica Brown
Founder & CEO
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The Dangers Of Sharing ‘Struggle Porn’ And How It Can Serve Egos More Than People In Need
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Daniela Capistrano’s Artist Residency At The Ace Hotel In 2015
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Women in games: A mini guide to working and thriving in the video game industry
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@dcap Sings A Song A Day: Vol 1. ‘If I Ain’t Got You’ By Alicia Keys
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Experiment: How To Make A Mini Zine On Your Mobile Device (Part 1 of 3)
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