- .@corvida @laurenthedark and i just co-opted ratchet to mean the opposite of it but also y'all can be a lil ratchet too *softewokhug* in reply to corvida #
- .@corvida @laurenthedark I <3 that I met you both on Twitter & then you infiltrated my life with your brilliant ratchetness and brain food. in reply to corvida #
- .@corvida @laurenthedark y'all are hilarious :P in reply to corvida #
- Between @barackobama's campaign + @demandprogress, I get about .. 10 emails a day between the two of them. Wish they offered digest versions #
- .@RufusBrutus you look like someone threw a slurpee on you. poor thing. take care. <3 in reply to RufusBrutus #
- Checklist done. Going to spend the rest of today laying prone on the couch + whining to my cat about my cold. Or sleeping. Have a great day #
- @Pinterest Why only women's & men's apparel categories? #effgenderbinary I use "art" as alt but wd like "fashion" pls. #
- My hope is that teachers will show young ppl how 2 make sense of public data sets 2 solve issues in their communities. Data viz activism. #
- But public data sets even as they are can still function like gold mines. Exciting times for entrepreneurs, activists, journalists, artists. #
- Data sets don't tell the whole story. Only what was recorded. A dataset is 10x better if it + points 2 oral histories, zines, photo archives #
- You know, I was thinking that public data sets are like the new gold rush. #
- I was an a video conference with @current team & I think SF folks were laughing at me sippin' my Capri Sun. Whatevs I stay hydrated :D #
- hydration is my #1 priority this summer. and I like Capri suns too much. #waytoomuch #forbeinggrown “@Rafael415: @dcap 10 Capri Suns? Wow.†#
- Today I worked with the @currentspitzer team. Rescued some baby birds from my bathroom ceiling. Drank 10 Capri Suns. You know how a playa do #
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