- In other news, my <3 @corvida is going to Australia next week to give a keynote and I'm so proud of her. Life keeps moving #
- Life just keeps flowing, often rushing like a river, and if I swim against it with fear and negativity I will drown. Not an option. #
- I have way too much shit going on (good but complex things) to psych myself our over this adoption/foster care stuff. It's going to be fine. #
- My adoption home study is on Monday. Too tired to be freaked out. Going to enjoy my weekend + clean my apt. One foot in front of the other. #
- #nowplaying She Keeps Bees - Gimme #
- that awkward moment when you're using two screens for work, one of the screens is a videoconference & a popup on other screen startles you. #
- STAY HYDRATED. Can't say it enough, y'allz. It makes the difference between being calm and functional vs cranky and passing out. #
- .@santagati cosign. all night scrabble trio happening in the BX right now. in reply to santagati #
- that awkward moment when you're describing an actor as rakish & yr chicas thought you said rapish #
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