- .@shananaomi I have to send it to #Sundance by 8/17 so any notes u can send by 8/15 - I wd really appreciate it. in reply to shananaomi #
- I would LOVE that. I'll email when it's done, 8/10 “@shananaomi: @dcap do I get to read it??†#
- lol! “@motionblur The future: having RFID tags pass thru your digestive system & live tweeting where food is currently located in yr body.†#
- thanks <3 yr kind words mean a lot to me. “@shananaomi: @dcap impressed w your perseverance, lady!!†#
- 2/2 I first applied 2 the #Sundance Screenwriter's Lab in 2005 so it means so much 2 make it 2 t 2nd round 4 the 2013 session. I'm hopeful! #
- Watching "Beasts of The Southern Wild" last night inspired me to stay on track for #Sundance Screenwriter's Lab's second round deadline 1/2 #
- Reads like a smear campaign RT @felixsalmon NYT prints gratuitous hatchet-job on a US athlete still in competition. Ugh #
- <3 inspiration (@ Landmark Sunshine Cinema for Beasts of the Southern Wild w/ 16 others) #
- Anyone can say they love someone. Words are easy to say. Showing that consistently is another thing entirely. #
- mad gauche “@lexinyt: I truly can't believe @NBCOlympics just went to a commercial in the middle of a swimming race.†#
- lol “@MylesNMiller: Also, didn't realize that Denzel Washington had a cock eye.†#
- .@milesmaker exciting! in reply to milesmaker #
- oh hai @tumblr why u no have search functionality in iPhone app or access to saved searches? #moardevworkplease #
- Mansion hideaways made of dressage horses coated in Aztec gold “@GranholmTWR: What do you think Mitt Romney is hiding in his tax returns?†#
- LOL RT @LA_mag: Intro 2 Global Warming by Mr. Freeze? Imagined Courses 4 @Schwarzenegger Inst. 4 State & Global Policy #
- lmao “@santagati: NBC is the network that brought us "Alf" so I'm sure they have the highest standards, @sylphanne†#
- ooooo! “@killrockstars: Corin Tucker's "Groundhog Day" is up on Bandcamp†#
- yikes “@MediaReDEF: Reuters hacked, phony Syria stories posted†#
- gotdamn, ppl RT @latinorebels: Restaurant claims its "wetback Willie" burrito was not intended to be racist #
- The @poczineproject tour is going to be epic. I'm beyond excited + lucky to work w amazing collaborators. #
- .@thejennabond TY I appreciate your support! in reply to thejennabond #
- btw, list isn't open 4 all 2 add names bcuz it's a curation project/I need 2 vet 4 my own needs - but welcome feedback #
- .@thejennabond If you want, message me yr gmail + I'll add you to help me add multi-racial folks. I can only do so much on my own ya know :) in reply to thejennabond #
- .@thejennabond I'll be adding more mainstream celebs :) 4 now focusing on influential folks who deserve more shine based on their activity. in reply to thejennabond #
- My in progress :) list of 100 (each) AA/Latino/LGBTQ folks on Twitter includes influential journos, media peeps, activists and bloggers. #
- .@thejennabond hi! as noted within, the list is in progress. i started w people who include political commentary in their range of tweets. in reply to thejennabond #
- .@michaelhayes Hi, @BuzzFeed's LGBT-focused vertical hiring notice is missing "Q" R U going 2 cover Queer-identified? #
- .@BuzzFeed, "Q" is missing from yr LGBT-focused vertical hiring notice. Are you going to cover Queer-identified? #
- re: previous tweet - the list of POC folks I'm creating is of "Thought Leaders," Journalists, Bloggers and Activists #
- I'm creating a doc of 100 African American/Black, 100 Latino + 100 LGBTQ folks to follow on Twitter. Who am I missing? #
- Searching by "beat" on @muckrack doesn't always work. See "LGBTQ" #
- I also wish that @muckrack let you search for African American and Latino journalists (who identified as such). (2/2) #
- I wish that @muckrack let you search for #LGBTQ journalists. Either by beat or by personal identification. (1/2) #
- .@jaysonrodriguez Yeah I rarely get mad at Google TV now It's like a boyfriend/girlfriend you finally trained to act right. Comfortable now. in reply to jaysonrodriguez #
- .@jaysonrodriguez Hi! I like Roku more than Apple TV cuz its more open but it has an ugly UI. I like Google TV best since the upgrade s'dope in reply to jaysonrodriguez #
- I don't use a TV guide. I check Twitter & my lists/curated stream give me suggestions. If yr show isn't online I'm not watching it probably #
- Devices like Google TV & ROKU R why I can watching my fav web series on my big TV instead of zzz reg TV. Not all reg TV is zzz but most is. #
- All video shd be "all screens" experiences. I'll never watch if it's only on TV, why I love Bob's Burgers! Films - I prefer on big screens. #
- I still watch a lot of video content - I mostly find it through Twitter & FB on my phone, not TV. I still go to movie theaters #4lyfe #
- I used to watch TV. Now I mostly "watch" Twitter. I learn more (from multiple sources) and it's just as entertaining. #
- Woooo! #dejavu #thebestkind “@Hnics85: GABBY!!!! #knewshewonhoursagobutstill € #olympics #
- Just attended my first board meeting for the coming-soon, brand new, @BxLGBTQCenter. I'm looking forward to supporting #LGBTQ youth in NYC. #
- Must credit @heavenrants for my recent public usage of #BAWSE I find it an appealing way to share some props. in reply to heavenrants #
- then yr a #bawse RT @tweetnbyrne @dcap @ohjefframos I was the one who edited that KIXEYE video. :) #
- Tonight I played video games with a new friend for 4 hours. It was exactly what I needed :) Play is important. I forget that sometimes. #
- .@ChairWomanMay Great meeting you! Thanks for the iTunes tip! Connect on FB? Facebookcom/danielacapistrano in reply to ChairWomanMay #
- Mm I know it's time for me 2 replace my 5yr old couch bcuz I was so blasé about watching my band-aid fall on it just now #ew #newcouch4xmas #
- .@collaboracion Cool! in reply to collaboracion #
- wondered about that “@bengoldacre: I mention this because "consent" is vegans' get-out for eating sperm (long argument, another time).†#
- Uh.may.zing “@ohjefframos: All gaming company's should work this hard to get you interested in applying for a job†#
- cool way to follow #olympics “@joeljohnson: Who has a slick-as-hell mobile website and two thumbs? This (+2 thumbs).†#
- yes, that is exactly what it is sometimes “@fredvanlente: * "cut" = "censored"†#
- I voted in the latest GOOD Maker challenge: The New Orleans Community Bike Project. ADD YOUR VOTE PLEASE <3 #
- TY for coming! <3 RT @thatsJodi @dcap Cuando Una Mujer Avanza was breathtaking. TY 4 sharing experience w me + great meeting U @corvida. #
- .@goodglobalcitiz No, I have plans that I can't break. But thanks for the invite! I'd like to meet up next week if yr free. in reply to goodglobalcitiz #
- LOL #hilaribad Sometimes I laugh at the most awful, horrid things RT @shananaomi @dcap wow. just wow. god I hate rich people. #
- Cracking up over @richkidsofinsta. @corvida always finds the best random stuff on Tumblr. #
- +1 Pls stay in touch RT @reeltake was great chatting with u all yesterday! @dcap @AmyVernon @collaboracion @LizTheresa #
- :D this made me smile ... takes one to know one! :P “@heavenrants: I don't know if you know this but @dcap is a #BAWSE That is all.†#
- .@kwadkins @GirlGngUNDRGRND omg awesome!!! thank you for sharing this <3 honored to be in such great company :) in reply to kwadkins #
- Here's info about POC Zine Project: @poczineproject,, Thanks 4 yr interest! #socialcurationsummit #
- .@grantcrowell you were awesome! yes, please let me know when your audio recording is online, would love to share. #socialcurationsummit #
- Had to get back to work but really enjoyed the first half and participating in #socialcurationsummit Stay in touch y'all #
- "Critical mass versus credible mass."-@scottbelsky @behance on subverting the fire hose: manual curation by "experts" #socialcurationsummit #
- Nice 2 see @amyvernon on stage after following her 4 a while + great 2 see another female mod, @devonGlenn was great! #socialcurationsummit #
- I like how all I can do is tell people like @kanyessa @suddenlythere that I'm hungry. Food cravings killing social skills. #
- .@AmyVernon Using all remaining strength to give 100% my attention during yr panel #chariotsofhunger @collaboracion @reeltake @LizTheresa #
- Def, meeting after. Excited 4 yr panel! “@AmyVernon: @dcap @collaboracion @reeltake @LizTheresa wait for my panel!†#
- .@collaboracion @AmyVernon hey @reeltake @LizTheresa R meeting us at reg table too. we're all starving & also want to connect. #hungergames in reply to collaboracion #
- come meet me w GIT ladies at reg table at lunch k :) “@LizTheresa: @reeltake @dcap yay!!! #newfriends No, wait- #newHUNGRYfriends € #
- .@reeltake @LizTheresa gotta say 1 of best things about twitter @ events: finding other hungry ppl & being snarky 2 curb eating arms off. +1 in reply to reeltake #
- .@songza on nostalgia as a catalyst 2 respond to CTAs & increase brand relevance, how to incorporate. Great stuff. #SocialCurationSummit #
- lmao ahhh I love talking about food ;) “@reeltake: @dcap @LizTheresa ahhh I'd jump over these chairs & tables for some pretzels....†#
- .@reeltake @LizTheresa I went to an event recently where they had a bowl of pretzels and even that - people were devouring it. LOL in reply to reeltake #
- Going to go back & read all of the @eliasroman quotes re: strat at @songza. Great stuff. #socialcurationsummit #
- Low blood sugar aside, can't wait for 'Museum Quality' archiving panel coming up. Very curious about new methods #SocialCurationSummit #
- I shd have brought a snack 2 #SocialCurationSummit starting 2 space out. TV/film sets know: must have snacks! ;) Grateful 4 lunch @ 12:30 #
- Context is critical to how you share what you curate - and with who. Exposure must be relevant to the audience. #SocialCurationSummit #
- +1 “@DavidYarus: Millennial vs. NOT is so clear/fun 2 watch on this panel! native understanding of social=inspiring. #SocialCurationSummit € #
- <3 how @songza empowers artists 2 share expertise thru curating playlists, similar to editorial features in mags I <3 #socialcurationsummit #
- I actually was wary about @songza at first bcuz I like making my own playlists but the ones they share R really good! #socialcurationsummit #
- .@collaboracion @AmyVernon Yup I'm down to meet @ lunch. I'm in a dress with very weird/short hair & blue skull earrings. Meet by reg table? in reply to collaboracion #
- .@mattcorey @massrelevance Great case studies! Thank you #socialcurationsummit #
- .@collaboracion I just felt a pinging sensation, it all makes sense now ;) R you here IRL w @AmyVernon? Let's meet or in reply to collaboracion #
- #olympics I Copy U Contest is pretty cool, never heard of it 'til today #socialcurationsummit - imitating the athletes w photos :) #
- .@firebelly Thanks for sharing your perspective at #socialcurationsummit gave me things to consider :) in reply to firebelly #
- +1 “@collaboracion: As an #openSource advocate, i love the power of crowds :) At the root of what the web is about #socialcurationsummit € #
- shout-out 2 @barnlib 4 being zine curators IRL & online+they signalboost POC <3 wish all universities were like them #socialcurationsummit #
- grumbling noises over here too #eep “@reeltake: Oh no, no snacks out. I apologize in advance if my stomach grumbles. #socialcurationsummit € #
- .@poshglam's favorite analytics tool is @Quantcast #SocialCurationSummit - likes the gatekeeper tools #
- Hi! I'm here & I <3 Sesame Street :) “@DanDotLewis: Just arrived at #SocialCurationSummit -- say hi if you're here.†#
- .@SuperGraphic Thank you for your apology & for listening. Just trying to help u understand the context & response to your slave images. in reply to SuperGraphic #
- .@SuperGraphic Wd u put Holocaust image on a truck -which is a biz- in a Jewish nabe? Think about execution. No 1 reads truck/just see photo in reply to SuperGraphic #
- .@poshglam is the truth re: curation practices. She genuinely cares about her community, it's not all about $ #respect #socialcurationsummit #
- .@SuperGraphic Why not honor current African American heroes? A truck w a slave on it isn't inspiring it's upsetting. Go to Bed-Stuy & see. in reply to SuperGraphic #
- .@SuperGraphic I'm sure you have good intentions but get some1 from yr team 2 walk thru BK & ask what ppl think about U-Haul slave imagery. in reply to SuperGraphic #
- .@SuperGraphic Consider where these ads appear & how tiny the contextual font size is compared to the size of t slave image. It doesn't work in reply to SuperGraphic #
- .@SuperGraphic reads like an ad & it offends & confuses people in BK. Pls consider how it feels 4 a black person 2 walk past slave imagery. in reply to SuperGraphic #
- THIS "You can't just put something up for the sake of someone on the biz side" - @poshglam #SocialCurationSummit #
- .@derekg Great meeting you! TY 4 creating a platform so beneficial 2 activists. Here's mine: #SocialCurationSummit #
- 2/2 1 of worst things u can do as a brand on Tumblr=behave as if yr ultimate authority. Yr not. Reblog/<3/Participate #socialcurationsummit #
- You can learn so much about any topic by cultivating yr @tumblr dashboard feed to pipe in curators on that topic. #socialcurationsummit 1/2 #
- You can create many saved search queries on @Tumblr easily to help you break through noise. #socialcurationsummit #
- .@derekg giving useful @tumblr 101 info, hope he covers how community is reacting to ads & Spotlight feature #SocialCurationSummit #
- Me to driver: "It's really disrespectful & unprofessional to demand that your female customers pay for your mistakes." I didn't pay. #
- Made it! #socialcurationsummit (@ Social Curation Summit w/ 3 others) #
- This driver is a trip. He overshot where he needed 2 drop me off & is trying to charge me more for his mistake. I'm no dummy bro. Not paying #
- What does renting a U-Haul truck have to slavery? Why would anyone think it's a good idea to have an ad w slaves in it on their trucks? #
- Since I'm in traffic, have you seen those bizarre U-Hauls in BK with the ads on them talking about slavery w pic of slave? So inappropriate #
- .@ChristGinger yeah, totes over saturation point (for me). #callmemaybe in reply to ChristGinger #
- Seriously, "Call me Maybe" makes me feel like Wednesday Adams from The Adams Family. #deadpanstareoutwindow #
- Ugh seems like all radio stations in this car are playing "Call me Maybe" - no longer tolerable. 7th circle of hell-level annoying. #
- #SocialCurationSummit keynote w Derek Gottfrid, VP of Product @Tumblr, starts at 9am ET. Bummed I am in traffic, will read tweets on t way. #
- TY for sharing this “@lheron: 13 fantastic sub-Reddits to subscribe to, via @mashable What would you add to the list?†#
- Traffic. Hope I make it in time before the #socialcurationsummit keynote begins #eep #
- The #socialcurationsummit keynote with Derek Gottfrid, VP of Product at @Tumblr, starts at 9am ET btw. #
- np! RT @ianhillmedia #socialcurationsummit sounds like cool event & great hashtag 2 follow 2day. Thanks 2 @dcap 4 posting on FB. #socmedia #
- Today I'll be on a DIY panel speaking about @poczineproject at the #SocialCurationSummit starting around 2:15pm ET. I'll RT some highlights. #
- <3 lol “@SteveMartinToGo: Had dinner at Chick-fil-A, then I married a man. There was something about that sandwich….†#
- :/ “@GOOD: Light-skinned black women receive shorter prison sentences than dark women†#
- lol “@EvilSlutClique: No. Sorry. #nbcfail RT @MotherJones Can We All Please Stop Whining About the Olympics Being Tape Delayed? Thank You.†#
- Will do! I'm on the DIY panel “@kanyessa: Looking forward 2 meeting lots of people & speaking tomorrow @mediabistro #Socialcurationsummit ." #
- Missy Elliott music video marathon. Love you @youtube sometimes #getyrfreakon #
- .@nitestar Hi, I live in the South Bronx & I want to help your GLBTQ Center fundraising efforts. Please email me: #
- .@savasavasava I don't really think they are scary, I'm just a diva sometimes. in reply to savasavasava #
- .@savasavasava Shots of Millions of (scary) Flamingos via @corvida #
- "You're GONNA look at the gotdamn flamingos!" - @corvida 2 me after I refuse to look at a picture of 100s of scary flamingos #smartphonelulz #
- dope! “@thatsJodi: Salt N Pepa X Public Enemy @ Wingate Park NOW!!!!†#
- cool! “@BlackGayJewish: Gluten and Dairy free-day three. Checking out all of the amazing gluten-free flours on†#
- It feels good to announce @poczineproject tour dates. It means that very soon I get to learn from many awesome ppl in new (to me) cities. #
- I made vegan AND chicken couscous. The vegan dish is kinda bland, sorry guys. I guess my meat-loving self has some how-to videos to watch. #
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