- OK if you see me on the Internet for the next two hours, tell me to GET OFF AND KEEP WORKING ON YOUR #SUNDANCE SCRIPT, DANIELA. GOTDAMN. ty #
- Q4B Make sure u research & pick right program for U + secure multiple working mentor relationships, post-grad network cultivation. #wjchat #
- Q4A Nothing. I never went to J-School and I have many clips I'm proud of. My path worked for me - wouldn't suggest it for everyone. #wjchat #
- I'd like to see a core option for data journalism + ethics, for those who want to bring darkness to light w/ masses of data. #wjchat #
- I wouldn't advise all young ppl 2 go 2 J-School these days. I'd tell many 2 intern at hyperlocal + build clips, start a Tumblr. #wjchat #
- Q2B Hire more women and people of color to teach reporting 101 & ethics, help newbs not be so sheltered/afraid 2 cover tough topics. #wjchat #
- Q2A Pay attention to what successful journos who never went to J-school are doing because they clearly know a few things :) #wjchat #
- Q2A Invest in sustainable hyper-local news sites that involve working journos as mentors/guest editors, hire recent grads. #wjchat #
- This was my first year intentionally only "watching" the #Olympics on social media. It was fun. Didn't miss TV, still stayed informed. #
- I'm having misc. tech issues today. Pardon my scattered tweety-ness. #
- "Do you remember back in the spring/every morning, birds would sing" :) <3 #
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