- image via purplelime's flickr
In 2007
I created a Twitter account, played around with it for a while and then went "hm, lame". There were only a handful of people updating and because I didn't know them or care for their link content, the whole concept of following strangers
tweets didn't appeal to me. I forgot about it for a long time and didn't really become active on it until late '08.
Enter 2009.
Everyone tweets, everything, all the time. It's insane.
My friends use
My coworkers use
Twitter. All of the
social media experts/
early adopters and
their circles of followers and
the people who follow them use Twitter.
More and
more celebrities are on Twitter. People create fake accounts and
impersonate celebrities. Is this starting to sound familiar?
Yes, Twitter is MySpace for adults who are over MySpace,
with few teens (for now) chronicling their daily activities and observations. How did this happen?
Follow Me = Friend Me (But With Less Clutter)
Twitter was created for everyone, but it's initial adopters
were primarily adults. These social media addicts of drinking age enjoyed the fact that they could interact with folks, the way they did on MySpace, without needing to create some blinged out profile or fill out a bunch of useless interest fields. Teens who were used to profile pages filled with videos, slideshows and other candy weren't impressed by Twitter. Adults, on the other hand, were wowed by the faster response time on Twitter, as people obsessively checked updates from their
Twitter apps of choice on their mobile devices. Adults could use Twitter to market/whore out whatever they were selling, just like on MySpace, but
faster. They could share links and useless info (like with bulletins) but again, with faster results. What do adults like more than babies? Instant gratification & results, especially when it comes to money, recognition and fame.
You Heard It Here First (Now Tell Everyone)
Like MySpace, Twitter allows anyone with a semblance of public notoriety to cut out the middle man who once functioned as his/her PR person (sorry guys!) and break stories even before the press gets around to it (smart PR folk are on Twitter though). The
press is all over Twitter, looking for those mini releases that could be potential stories and
sharing their own. How do I know this? Because
my work recently did a piece on it and even
Gawker posts daily Twitter roundups.
Sure, the fogies are still holding on to their MySpace and Facebook accounts. How else would they keep in touch with their parents? Yep, Twitter is definitely a playground for adults - but not for long.
What R U Doing?
Even though teens primarily continue to update their status via MySpace/Facebook/direct texting, Twitter is quickly catching on with the JoBro demographic as well. Consider that despite the iphone's pricetag, a lot of apps continue to be marketed to the tween set and that
many teen-friendly album releases this year will come bundled with a related (and interactive) iphone app, offering "instant access" to fans on the go. With more celebs (with teen fanbases in tow) on Twitter and
youth brands promoting in that space,
young people are creating accounts to interact with their interests, enjoying the instant gratification just as much as the adults. These teens are, in turn, creating their own micro communities of tweet connected teen social groups, which means it won't be long before
search.twitter.com searches for
"first kiss" will yield more than some late 30-something late bloomer's blushing confession or whistful nostalgia.