Covering the 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards: Daniela Thoughts
x (8:46:51Â PM): yes
x (8:46:52Â PM): good
x  (8:46:54 PM): meryl
DanielaInfinity (8:47:01 PM): yayayayaay
x (8:47:02 PM): she was luscious
x (8:47:07 PM): devillish
x (8:47:15 PM): i liked that white hair, ice queen look on her
x (8:47:26 PM): ah, she's wearing a maiden spring outfit
x (8:47:27 PM): hehehe
x (8:48:05 PM): i love how she always says random things when she gives speeches
DanielaInfinity (8:48:14 PM): i know its so endearing... i lerv her
x (8:48:15 PM): it's so . . . appealing
DanielaInfinity (8:48:20 PM): yup
x (8:48:39 PM): like .. . scatter-brainy but coming from an intelligent place
x (8:48:50 PM): aw, kate winslet ..
x (8:49:24 PM): did you not think naomi watts' dress was shapeless?
DanielaInfinity (8:49:33 PM): yeah gross
x (8:49:48 PM): maybe you need a waist for an empire waist-type dress
x (8:49:50 PM): or a chest
x (8:49:53 PM): or some shape
x (8:49:56 PM): or something
x (8:50:00 PM): and with that stiff material?
DanielaInfinity (8:50:05 PM): i cant believe you still havent seen a prairie home companion
x (8:50:14 PM): it was just like a heavy curtain
x (8:50:20 PM): well . . i tried to dl it
x (8:50:28 PM): but it's not dl-able
DanielaInfinity (8:50:44 PM): i love how meryl is advocating good films
x (8:50:48 PM): aw, she's saying something nice
x (8:51:04 PM): did you see _sophie's choice_?
DanielaInfinity (8:51:10 PM): yeah a million years ago
x (8:51:10 PM): she was beautiful in that
DanielaInfinity (8:51:12 PM): i know
x (8:51:19 PM): i never thought she was attractive
x (8:51:24 PM): but she was glowing in that
DanielaInfinity (8:51:32 PM): i fell in love with her though in death becomes her
x (8:51:34 PM): look at angie
DanielaInfinity (8:51:38 PM): not her best film but thats the one for me
x (8:51:46 PM): i've never seen it
x (8:51:54 PM): deer hunter
x (8:52:13 PM): what was the movie that made me go . . whoa
x (8:52:19 PM): hmmm
x (8:52:50Â PM): maybe silkwood
DanielaInfinity (8:53:10 PM): her worst movie
x (8:53:14Â PM): hey, i like _the river wild_
DanielaInfinity (8:53:14 PM): guess her worst movie
x (8:53:19 PM): i don't know
x (8:53:28 PM): the house of the spirits?
x (8:53:30 PM): was pretty bad
x (8:53:58 PM): goddamn, she's like in 10 upcoming movies
DanielaInfinity (8:54:01 PM): oh wait no never mind
DanielaInfinity (8:54:05 PM): that was cathy moriarty
DanielaInfinity (8:54:09 PM): in casper
x (8:54:15 PM): cathy moriarity . . she hasn't been in that many films
DanielaInfinity (8:54:16 PM): heheh mi malo
x (8:54:52 PM): she was angelic-looking though in her youth
I was about to complain that Warren Beatty, Cecil B. DeMille Award winner, won't shut up, but he just made a very cute comment to his wife Annette - "Thank you for always making me feel like a promising newcomer".... aw.
Excerpts from Sasha Baron Cohen's speech (winner for Borat)
"In the making of this film I saw an ugly side of America not normally seen by the light of day - my costar's anus and testicles... faced with a choice - death or to breathe in the air that had been trapped in a small pocket between his buttocks for 30 years... if it was not for that rancid bubble, i would not be here today."
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