- Super 8: Bootleg E.T. w a slightly scarier alien. Tried to be like Goonies meets Batteries Not Included, failed. Hokey B.S. Disappointed. #
- Vanguard investigates the "Gateway to #Heroin on @current TV now! #
- Horrible pic, but that's Keith on @current live! #
- @shananaomi hey I was just referred to as "shana east." I take that as an enormous compliment ;) #
- I'm at The Village Tavern (46 Bedford St, at 7th Avenue, New York) #
- #g4c2011 Great day today. Looking forward to tomorrow's AM sessions. Now, off to celebrate @CountdownKO premiere tnite with @current peeps! #
- #g4c2011 glad we are covering assessment/measuring impact methodologies for pro-social games #
- The @KnightFdn reimbursed biz participating in @maconmoney. Great start but sustainable, scalable models for other cities? #G4C2011 #
- Yes! Great point re military & games RT “@MsMichelle: @dcap @g4c2011 not just training, but recruiting!†#G4C2011 #
- #g4c2011 Until today, I never thought about how social impact games could help revitalize the economy (Macon Money) #
- #g4c2011 ooo! will def check out later. thinking about my educator friends and how they use games to reinforce concepts #
- #g4c2011 next up: Macon Money case study. Knight Foundation funded this game for residents of Macon, Georgia #
- Lol @nickfortugno makes great branding point -- what if basketball was called "teen fitness game" #G4C2011 #
- #g4c2011 What I have not yet heard 2day: convos re: funding models for indie pro-social games. Maybe I missed or perhaps tomorrow? #
- @JAlbor I think so, if it's built into the workflow and each phase of the dev cycle #G4C2011 in reply to JAlbor #
- #g4c2011 "make transparent your design assumptions" - Karen Schrier #
- #g4c2011 just reviewed how goals and ethical pov change in-game based on small alterations through a game with participants (I lost :( ) #
- #g4c2011 I hope we discuss how the military is using games to train soldiers and the ethical complexities #
- #g4c2011 riffing on designing games for ethics workshop, I'm curious about using real data in-game to explore abortion rights-related issues #
- @DouglasCrets no, right now I'm the lead online producer for @4thforever but everyone at @current is excited for @CountdownKO today :) in reply to DouglasCrets #
- #g4c2011 so many games based on wikileaks already I'm discovering -- must play those later :D #
- @DouglasCrets I meant to say @countdownko :) sun frazzled. It premieres tonight on @current. Tx 4 ur link, I'll read later in reply to DouglasCrets #
- A man asked me if I had a dollar on his beer. I declined but we chatted about his chef days b4 being homeless. Cool convo, back to #G4C2011 #
- Tx for this & including mine RT “@DouglasCrets: Here is a roundup of relevant tweets from @algore keynote at #g4c2011†#
- Between sessions at #g4c2011 #
- #g4c2011 Great time at EVOKE case study. Next up for me at 4:30: Designing Games For Ethics. For now I'm going to go chill by the fountain #
- #g4c2011 happy that EVOKEs next steps are to partner with orgs to take tangible steps and to scale gameplay for other communities #
- #g4c2011 what are effective models for translating community consensus in a pro-social game to measurable, real-world change? #
- Yup, 1 element of it. But focused on discovering/adding/sharing related data “@krash63: @dcap like a curation game? #g4c2011 € #wikileaks #
- #g4c2011 would be awesome if a co. developed a game that helped everyday people mine through/contextualize wikileaks :D #
- I agree. It's subjective. All games are serious -- to their fans. “@warndt: "Serious Games" is such a terrible term #G4C2011 € #
- #g4c2011 How can social games like EVOKE inspire Americans to learn more about and participate in next year's election? Cut through noise? #
- #g4c2011 I think mainstreamed games w potential 4 real-world social impact could draw many new users who see gaming as a waste of time #
- #g4c2011 many topics 2day covering in-game experiential best practices & innovation can B applied 2 many site goals (retention, design, etc) #
- #g4c2011 Happy Path described by EVOKE creators during dev: approximation of amount of time & steps people take in-game for the first time #
- #g4c2011 at EVOKE case study, wondering how U.S. Census could use data gathering via social gaming to impact at-risk communities #
- #g4c2011 "What if learning was less about accumulating dry facts and more about embarking on an incredible adventure?" #
- #g4c2011 at the EVOKE case study, a game for collaboratively solving world's greatest problems #
- ... today I'm covering #g4c2011 @algore is the keynote! Catch the livestream here: (2 of 2) #
- I'm excited about 2 things today. First: @CountdownKO premiere is TONIGHT on @current 8/7c. You won't want to miss this. AND... (1 of 2) #
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