- :P i can't say, my seasoning is a secret!!! RT @dcap What do you put on your nachos? I'm a bit of a nacho fiend myself. #
- ha! RT @dcap dont be a nacho tease! #
- I like it when people love the nachos I make them. Because my nachos are amazing. #
- Think about it. Apple has the $ to pay journos $ for awesome features. An Apple-funded original news site & app wld be quite the disrupter. #
- Apple has more $ than LA Times/all other news sites. I don't get why they don't just hit their bajillion users w their own news site & app. #
- Sweet! Thank you. RT @FlipboardCM @dcap iPhone version due later this summer! #
- congrats! RT @PBS A big day for @PBS - we passed 900K Facebook fans earlier today - and just passed 800K followers on Twitter. Thank you 2X! #
- Google TV for Logitech should also do more partnerships with content providers, more apps, more options. Less complaining. Duh. #
- I have the Logitech Google TV device. I don't get why they don't just do a massive software update before they lose ALL their customers. #
- :/ flipboard is so effing cool. i wish they had a version for iPhone. I'm not getting an iPad until it has more of what I want. #
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