- @RepRaulGrijalva You are awesome. I hope your bill passes. #
- #nowplaying Under My Thumb by The Rolling Stones [another "manly" ditty i know/love so well] #
- #nowplaying The Seed 2.0 by The Roots [most manly lyrics of all time & I belt them at the top of my lungs] #
- @PaulCantor last one :) my most FAV guitar driven song: Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry from birth to earth. goodnight in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor only other similar song i <3 more is this live version of otis redding's try a little tenderness gets crazy in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor that guitar in the beginning makes me bug out running around my apartment at top speed. joe tex is the truth in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor i feel the same way about joe tex's "show me" in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor my pop culture references get a little schizophrenic at this hour, apologies. agreed, curtis mayfield's joint is beautiful in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor oh i was way off. i was like i never heard anyone talk about "the jeffersons" theme song w such passion before. in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor Wait, were you talking about The Jeffersons or Primal Scream? in reply to PaulCantor #
- you often post deep shit RT @PaulCantor instrumental break in "movin on up" is among the greatest pieces of music captured in a recording #
- @MsMichelle i'd say get off twitter, but then i would be a pot. try some tea and possibly this enya song in reply to MsMichelle #
- i agree RT @SimardTV @DSLRinformer For me, it's more about the cinematic tools. news is not drama & nor should facts be dramatized #
- @jayhovawitness +1 for your own travel hashtag. I'm stealing that idea when I go to Cali next month. in reply to jayhovawitness #
- I'm pretty sure my idea of personal vlogging is not anything that's going 2 help my career. Building up to something... #
- If you're a Rutger Hauer fan, I did this intv with him earlier this year: RT @BentnWasted @dcap I'll check it out! #
- a girl after me own heart RT @jennimiller76 @dcap I saw that, Source Code and Drive Angry 3D in one day. countless gory deaths! #
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