- Why do so many Latinos love Freestyle and Morrissey? Haha. OK, bye Twitters. No more until Monday. #
- +1 RT @webanna @dcap Oh if we're talking #freestylefriday we gotta talk about #dreamboy #
- #nowplaying Newcleus - Jam On It #freestyle #yeahstretching #parameters #ofwhat #classifies #asongas #freestylefriday #
- #nowplaying Afrika Bambaataa - Planet Rock #freestylefriday #kinda #technically #
- *robot dance* #
- #nowplaying Shannon - Let The Music Play #freestylefriday #
- #nowplaying Lisa-Lisa and Cult Jam - I Wonder If I Take You Home #freestylefriday #
- @mspray1 thanks for sharing the @countdownko post! in reply to mspray1 #
- Here's @countdownko blog post I was working on: Joe Romm explains how science will help U.S. compete with India & China #
- #nowplaying DJ Blaqstarr & Rye Rye- Shake It To The Ground - time to write recap of Joe Romm on STEM for @CountdownKO #
- Ya like apples? 8/22 6:30-8:00 pm, Gotham Girls will be doing a public scrimmage 4 derby fans @ The High Line rink. How ya like them apples? #
- #nowplaying The Eagles - Hotel California #
- north for 9/21-9/24 but some of those other days in LA :) i hope we can meet up & eat something w bacon RT @shananaomi @dcap north or south #
- It's official: I'm going to be in Cali from 9/15 - 9/26. If you want to meet up, DM me or let's meld through the usual channels. #
- @laurenthedark @Corvida I'm working late tomorrow, but perhaps Saturday or Sunday? I'll check in with you both lata in reply to laurenthedark #
- My copies of @jennydeluxe's Girl Crush zine arrived! Dope #
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