- .@corvida my last point is that throwing around words like "useless" in any context about subscribe plugin at this state is premature. my 2c #
- again, maybe for you, but others reaping rewards RT @corvida @dcap Benefits on media level are obvious, but on a personal level it's useless #
- Hey! That hair looks familiar: On the Street…..The Cut, Istanbul #
- psa: just because something doesn't work for your biz/creative goals doesn't mean it's not useful or a $ generating tool for others. #
- .@corvida many media entities have specific uniques they need to meet in order to stay in business. trust they will be utilizing subscribe #
- @corvida it's fine if you don't want 2 use subscribe. but behaving as if it won't be a boon 4 others to meet biz goals is still shortsighted in reply to corvida #
- .@corvida if ppl are plugged into your FB updates to shegeeks content via subscribe, you'll cont to succeed at that. they're already on FB. in reply to corvida #
- .@corvida if u want 2 meet ppl where they r at, instead of confining them 2ur rss feed as metrics tool(?), you'll consider subscribe button #
- @corvida you may prefer it, but be realistic about how many ppl actually use RSS. i don't access your feed. i get your links from FB. in reply to corvida #
- Your prerogative! But I bet you will eventually. Unless you don't like web traffic #s to jump. RT @corvida @dcap No thank you. #
- @corvida subscribe button on shegeeks catch -- make sure you message it's there on twitter. then see how fast your #s jump. #
- @corvida I think you're being prematurely resistant to the "subscribe" plugin. Try it on your site and then track how much your #s jump. in reply to corvida #
- @corvida @lynneluvah Many people do, particularly media industry people. Both for curiosity and scoping competition. in reply to corvida #
- wOot!! RT @SaraJBenincasa 6 states, 4 months, maybe a show near you! #
- If you want to up your cool points, or at least learn something interesting, follow @Inzombia. She's a big supporter of @poczineproject <3 #
- Twitter Introduces Brand Pages via @mashable #
- I love the way that @Mashable is using the new "Subscribe" plugin button on bio pages: cc @corvida @lynneluvah #
- #nowplaying Neon Indian - Sleep Paralysist #
- Check out @SUNfiltered! It's the latest addition in my indie film feeds :) #
- #nowplaying Corinne Bailey Rae - Closer #
- More thoughts on Google Music, shared on Google+ #
- Google Music's Big Mistake: Ignoring Frictionless Sharing [PHOTO] #
- .@soapdotcom Will u please update your iPhone app 2 include the ability to order pet care & other items across all your sites? 'Preciate it. #
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