
Explore Daniela Capistrano’s original writing and reporting.
  • :/ RT @WHATYOUWRITE Anti-graffiti campaign under way in Brooklyn #
  • #nowplaying Me and Julio Down By the School Yard - Paul Simon ^_^ #
  • Gmail's redesign: Why advertisers will benefit more than the user via @Storify #
  • @TheDandy @unexia @dcap I've quoted you in my story "Gmail's redesign: Why advertisers will benefit more than the user" #
  • @ketanpkr @shanselman I've quoted you in my story "Gmail's redesign: Why advertisers will benefit more than the user" #
  • i suspect time spent in gmail was a factor in this redesign. which may please advertisers, but is punishing the user who needs 2 get in/out! #
  • and yes, i did send feedback to gmail re: the redesign. if i can't keep the old version longterm i'm going to migrate to a new email system. #
  • UI/UX strat is about human needs, not showing off the latest tricks in ur hat. the gmail redesign clearly wasn't intended for human use. #
  • i shdnt have 2 wave my mouse all over t screen like a wand 2 unhide gmail features i depend on. this wasn't a redesign. it was Schadenfreude #
  • How do I find my starred items now, gmail? I don't want my email sessions to be treasure hunts #timewaster #fail #
  • Why are labels suddenly gone from the left rail on gmail & not easily added back? I relied on those to stay organized/do my job. #
  • New gmail redesign feels like it was architected by a sadist. Vanishing buttons. Pointless transparent overlays. Email shdnt B n S&M session #
  • One might say, "Gmail is free, why complain?" We give our data to them=they make billions. Least they can do=not give me instant eye fatigue #
  • so, gmail redesign. i haven't hated something on the Internet so much in a very long time. #
  • lmao! xo RT @corvida @dcap ... which is exactly why I don't have a car. Hit that subway window. #
  • #nowplaying Bust Your Windows (out your car) - sung by Mercedes cc @corvida #
  • .@corvida also, discussing anything with me is NEVER wasting any minutes. #getitright #
  • @corvida i don't want to debate! i was going to respond to the question you asked me. #scorpio #overit #siloyourthoughtprocessthen #peace in reply to corvida #
  • yr missing the point. lets talk about it IRL later RT @corvida @lynneluvah A host a people or just the choir following the choir? cc @dcap #
  • FINE ;P Thanks for being open-minded to adding it, regardless RT @corvida @dcap I'm not blogging about that button. #
  • :0 ooo RT @DETAILS: mansions have nothing on these little houses that R equipped with all the space u need 2 live large #
  • .@corvida ok, but you have to promote that it's there (beyond your reply). blog post. then wait two weeks and track yr subscriber count. in reply to corvida #
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Explore Daniela Capistrano’s original writing and reporting.

