- #nowplaying The Roots - Lazy afternoon I love listening to this joint on full blast when no one else is in the office. #
- If I can stop just one of my media colleagues from becoming drug lords, I've done my job. #
- I mean "terrible" like Scarface, yer genius will be yer undoing, stay away! MAYNE RT @Hnics85 @dcap I'm crazy ruthless Daniela I'd b awesome #
- .@ShaunaReporter it depends on the project. read this: #transmedia in reply to ShaunaReporter #
- I just noticed my previous tweet is missing the person I replied to. Oops. I wasn't talking to myself, promise. #
- i think you'd be a terrible dealer, stick with TV/media ;) RT @Hnics85 Being a hardworking black man is the worst! Should've sold drugs... #
- it depends on the project. read this: RT @dcap is #transmedia the same thing as multi platform media? #
- i brought it up bcuz last few #transmedia projects i've explored were zzz. ambitious, multi-extension, complex bores. story still matters #
- "regular people don't care about #transmedia quot; -- i mean most ppl don't care how it works, they just care about experiencing a great story #
- regular people don't care about #transmedia all they care about is a great story. a sucky story on several screens is no fun. story is king #
- I only FaceTime with ppl overseas for some reason RT @moniguzman Just FaceTimed with my grandparents in Mexico 4 free. They are so adorable #
- #nowplaying Doll Parts - Hole feel like I hv 2 preface links saying I'm not down w racist crap bt I <3 Courtney's voice #
- .@thelampnyc check out this news-focused media literacy initiative #
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