- @queenkv But 4 me (always on FB and G+) there aren't any significant unique/useful features on @Path. I meet more new ppl on Instagram (2/2) in reply to queenkv #
- @queenkv It's a great way to share your life if you're not already using FB/don't like FB or have many friends who aren't on FB or G+. (1/2) in reply to queenkv #
- @queenkv I signed up for @Path but stopped using it. It has a gorgeous UI but I'm covered w Instagram, FB mobile, Foursquare, Oink, etc. in reply to queenkv #
- lawlz RT @robfields @dcap Oh, you mean besides not doing it. . .? Let me think about that #
- TY! RT @syntheticzero @dcap Hands down best receipts/expense reporting srvs: expensify. Incl mobile app. You just take pictures of receipts #
- Scanning receipts. Hatez it. Who has found the least painful way to accomplish this task? Please share your pearls. #
- +1 RT @drwave: combination of a Canon 5D MkII, Canon 50mmf1.2 lens, & the Zacuto Z-finder is a potent 1. So glad 2 b able 2 get better w/it #
- @PaulCantor I don't think anything works at the supermarket. Except maybe being stoic near the organics. in reply to PaulCantor #
- Probably not at the supermarket RT “@PaulCantor: @dcap should I be more vulnerable? Does that work?†#
- @PaulCantor u probably can't tell but I'm joking too. those subtle nuances don't translate as well as all caps brain farts in reply to PaulCantor #
- @nmillions ha! in reply to nmillions #
- @PaulCantor You're being unusually vulnerable tonight. is what i thought in between checking ur tweets and Futurama. It suits tonight's vibe in reply to PaulCantor #
- Some1 needs 2 make n app that helps u find local peeps 2 watch Futurama with after midnight. But only dudes n pedobears wld join. #andme .. #
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