- .@jayrosen_nyu I despise Romney's politics but you are 100% correct. It's fair use. in reply to jayrosen_nyu #
- <3 RT “@Peta_de_Aztlan: #OWS Liberation Movements have ups & downs highs & lows ins & outs go w the flow keep faith & keep swimming forward! #
- #nowplaying "Play" (Beat Ventriloquists Remix) via @youtube cc @corvida <3 #
- I gave up a long time ago trying to please everybody. Nobody wins. I'm 100% committed 2 being true 2 myself & supporting others on that path #
- Hmmm ... why is it that when a man explains a fact with confidence it's reassuring, but when a woman does she's being arrogant? #bullshit #
- Thanks @sree, @wordwhacker, etc. for #smwknd event & tweet curation. Great convo. Can't be there in person but following closely :) in reply to wordwhacker #
- "Traditional" youth brands have been innovative online & w social for years. MTV, PBSKids, etc. We all (media) influence each other #smwknd #
- +1 RT @ctanowitz MT Information isn't journalism. Journalism is about stories. Just b/c police give u raw data, doesn't give context #smwknd #
- If u want to learn how to cover a live event from all angles, on all platforms, watch how @mtvnews cover VMAs. Methods translate #smwknd #
- False. @mtvnews reported immediately. "@AmyVernon @Mashable editors saw Kanye incident on of the media waited til AM" #SMWKND #
- I agree RT @hardlynormal not sure I like @YouTube's new channel layouts. Seems ability 2 comment is hidden causing less interaction.just me? #
- "You know, the nazis had pieces of flare they made the Jews wear." Yeah, "Office Space" is still awkward & hilarious. So is all the old tech #
- +1 RT “@TIGGACALORE: the power of manifestation, dont ya love it†#
- Not only 1 using "caves" RT @LanceWeiler Twitter caves 2 global censorship, will block content on countryspecific basis #
- Woah RT @LanceWeiler: ACTA More Dangerous Than SOPA creates new enforcement system & ties hands of Congress to undo it #
- .@wdcinla Yes but that's a different kind of materiality/experience. U can't replicate a printed zine on a tablet. Two different experiences in reply to wdcinla #
- Thoughts on best practices for journos addressing criticism via social media? Recent ex: @timheidecker vs. @juliewmiller #smwknd #
- SMH RT “@NorthstarPics: The Celluloid Ceiling: Behind-the-Scenes Employment of Women on the Top 250 Films of 2011†#
- How does social play into this outcome? RT “@villagevoice: Journalists From Rupert Murdoch's The Sun Arrested†#smwknd #
- Thanks! RT “@esills: Google+ community page for media is #smwknd #smwkndg #wjchat #journchat†#
- Hm! RT @mathewi: Twitter is rolling out an analytics product for media organizations soon, says @EricaAmerica #smwknd #latism†#
- Even though news orgs are losing $ on print, materiality as a medium for info sharing is still influential with many ppl. #
- Was thinking about the power of materiality in general. Ex: I'll never read about bike culture online but I read zines about it. #
- What if Basquiat had been on Twitter? Would he have tweeted Warhol an intro instead of giving him a handmade postcard? Power of materiality. #
- +1 RT @bethkanter Instagram for museums: MuseumNext - Europe's big conference on social media/digital media 4 museums #
- RT “@aliciasanchez: Antioch College OH is waiving the tuition for all its students who enroll in the next three years:†#
- .@adriarichards Watching some of your YouTube videos. I LOVE your commentary on startups/diversity. in reply to adriarichards #
- All tech journos should follow RT “@blackfounders: Black Founders Ring in the Year With Hack Day on @blackenterprise†#
- RT @NYT_JenPreston Who is a real journalist? Why does @nypd decide who gets credentials? @megrobertson suggests nymedia stop using #smwknd #
- Chez Oskar. I crave french toast and the space is lovely, but do I risk aggravating my still-healing bruise? #shitisay #shitnilescranesays #
- THIS RT “@jessxnyc: LGBT Kids Glitterbomb Gay Prom with Lady Gaga Themed "It Gets Better" Video:†#
- no prob RT “@jasonarican: @dcap Thanks for the RT during the SOTU! Republican salty faces was my favorite part of the whole thing #latepass € #
- +1“@Toure @georgebowmer Jan Brewer is being overtly racist when she says Obama threatened her. It's not my cynical motives—it's about realty #
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