
Explore Daniela Capistrano’s original writing and reporting.
  • Two things that R getting old: 1) all these porn bots following me on Twitter and 2) the catholic church & GOP fanatics war on birth control #
  • Wow. RT “@destructuremal: This Twitter account has been subpoenaed to testify against me by the state of New York.” #
  • Guys, @GranholmTWR premieres tonight on @Current at 9/8c. Let me know what u think about the show! Be nice though ... or I'll bite your face #
  • Follow, y'all. Support #diversity + more expressions of Latino/Hispanic identity, 'specially during this POTUS race ;) #
  • On My Radar: @ghettofilm MasterClass Series, live Google+ Hangout with Lee Daniels [starts 1/31] #film #
  • OMG. Taxes. Scanning time. #
  • #nowplaying LAURYN HILL- LOST ONES #
  • the tough part about completing bed rest/getting over a crazy fall=when yr finally better the last thing u want to do is sit at a computer. #
  • Students: Some teachers are great & others are not. Don't let their shortcomings taint your love of learning. It's your brain, your journey. #
  • Lol RT “@SPERGERS: Is there a Grindr for snuggling?” #
  • More poc & fringe folk need 2make films that tell their OWN stories so that we can all collectively plumb/cherish the depths of human nature #
  • I <3 films that don't put marginalized people on pedestals. I like multi-faceted characters. I don't watch movies to find angels. #
  • ... when the daughter's friend assumes black woman is from Africa, when Moore's character fires Mexican gardener, accuses him of drugs (2/2) #
  • Forgot racist undertones in "The Kids Are Alright" + I like that it's an honest look @ privileged white lesbian drama. Life = complex (1/2) #
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Explore Daniela Capistrano’s original writing and reporting.

