- I got over my fear of tiny baby birds when I remembered that I have health insurance. S'all good. They are being cared for/safe. #
- I wasn't lying when I said baby birds were living in my bathroom ceiling @ The Clocktower #
- I'd take a pic of these baby birds and share but I'm scared of tiny baby bird diseases. So, no. #
- damn i need a #flashlight #
- #nowplaying Be My Baby (birds) #
- This goes out 2 baby birds in my bathroom, hopefully NONE of them die. #nowplaying Morrissey - First of the gang to die #
- .@badcoverversion I'm pretty sure my bathroom fan is terrifying them :/ goes on with light. Gonna call bldg super (after I clean bathroom). in reply to badcoverversion #
- There are some hungry sounding baby birds living in crawl space in my bathroom ceiling. How does that even happen? Figuring out what to do. #
- Doc about a 14-year-old working in the Bolivian silver mines @GetGlue #TheDevilsMiner #
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