
Explore Daniela Capistrano’s original writing and reporting.
  • BK bound=Co-working in BK tomorrow, yayer. Dinner at Peaches Hothouse? Yes please. cc @corvida #
  • Last one: "I don't see color" = publicly waving a flag promoting yr own ignorance, dismissing real issues in the world defined by inequality #
  • "I don't see color" as judges, politicians, lobbyists & religious leaders = our country yesterday, today & tomorrow if this continues. #
  • "I don't see color" (as a POC): I am trying not 2 hate my white friends for their stupid bullshit. I know my denial doesn't change anything. #
  • "I don't see color" = bcuz if I did I would have 2 evaluate my choices as a white person & possibly confront my family & friends re: theirs. #
  • "I don't see color" = I don't really know my POC friends bcuz I force them to limit their exchanges w me to topics that don't challenge me. #
  • "I don't see color" = Pls stop talking about yr experiences as POC bcuz don't U see, I don't see how color affects anything + I'm OK w that. #
  • "I don't see color" = I don't like to acknowledge to myself how white privilege plays a role in my life, which it does, as a white person. #
  • "I don't see color" = Your experiences with oppression are invisible to me + discussing them makes me uncomfortable, so let's not go there. #
  • "I don't see color/we are all humanity/I have a black friend/why rehashing old wounds/this (movie) is the real racism" etc. In 2012. (2/2) #
  • Curious about how many ppl still feel about discussing race? Read the commentary in the "Dear White People" YouTube trailer comments. (1/2) #
  • [DONATED <3] Join me in helping make it happen for "Dear White People" @dearwhitepeople film on @indiegogo #
  • You can take the cat out of the box, but you can't take the box (loving tendencies) out of the cat. #realcattalk #
  • .@corvida LMAO xo in reply to corvida #
  • I offer my #, my email and other methods to discuss difficult topics that don't always translate well on Twitter. Please respect that. (2/2) #
  • NOTICE: If you @ reply me w a question that I don't think can be effectively discussed on Twitter, I will offer an alt. contact method (1/2) #
  • I tweet about my life + interests as a media professional, personal stuff, politics, race and my journey adopting from foster care. (2/2) #
  • Wow, I have like 100 new followers. This is a first for me (new follower burst count). Hi and welcome ... (1/2) #
  • .@JamesHGannon Behringer: U-CONTROL UMX610! Got it on eBay. in reply to JamesHGannon #
  • I'm so excited about getting my red piano (keyboard setup) this Friday. I can't wait. This is one of those self-care things. #
  • Oh man! One of the best parts of reading for me is following up online on the notes I take while reading. It's like a treasure hunt. <3 #
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