- "I look over your shoulder ... and judge your tweets." - a line from an upcoming thriller #ihope #candymansvoice #
- BK bound. Traveling with popsicle #itswaaaaaaarm #
- .@santagati my dumb auto ish put the wrong twitter handle :( see my last tweet if you want to RT for @corvida, TY :) #
- Trying again: My #One4One pick = @corvida. She's African American, a digital influencer & passionate re: digital literacy/ed-tech for youth #
- A Challenge to Digital Influencers: Join The #One4One Game - Forbes cc #
- My overseas accounts game=on point, yo. No taxes ftw, trust fund been protected kid. Word to pops' accountant. #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- Follow @blackgirlscode & @girlswhocode, two orgs helping young girls learn digital literacy skills. Hopefully @twitter shows <3 4 both orgs. #
- lmao “@OneLegSandpiper: #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser Excuse me while I change out of these dreadful denim pantaloons.†#
- Obama's just soft. My gardener Jose worked 20 yrs w out ever seeing a doctor. RIP Jose, best worker I ever had #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "If I have to kiss one more poor person's baby I'm going to be sick. No literally-they can't afford medicine." #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "I bought this island and it's been super hard getting everyone who lives there to leave. TY, it's been tough" #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- Here's a defense initiative I think everyone will back: Gold plated people. How? Oh just tax the middle class" #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- :) thanks! “@OhMeadhbh: fwiw, @dcap gets my vote for "best twitter avatar pic of the day"†#
- "Exactly! Poor people ARE just jealous! Like Kat Williams said, haters gon hate. TY, I love doing that accent" #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "I caught my daughter campaigning for Obama. What? Oh she's fine now, Zyprexa does wonders." #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "All us job creators should be so proud. And we've saved so much hiring overseas, they never get sick!" #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "Yeah I use the N word. What? Kanye said it was ok. Yeah, exactly, he's like the ambassador for black people." #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "Rappers are rich - why don't poor people get mad at them? Maybe we should make an album ... dawg." #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "Who says I don't like Latinos? I trust my maid's son Miguel to polish my rare knife collection & he's six." #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "The gardeners want raises? Release the hounds." #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- "How could anyone call me racist? My first nanny was BLACK and I loved her until I outgrew her!" #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- I hope the new Batman movie doesn't get those #OWS people riled up again #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
- A few hundred thousand kids will miss breakfast & lunch while we get another tax break? Sounds fair to me! #OverheardAtRomneyFundraiser #
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