- Thanks again for your help :) Wd love to learn more about your research RT @sparklebliss @dcap That turned out so fantastic! #
- Thanks, folks! RT @G4C @idit @dcap @current @globaloria @NCWIT Whoa, exhaustive but amazing post! #womeninvideogames #
- Hi @sparklebliss, thanks for suggesting I up @xMattieBrice in this #womeninvideogames @current guide! #
- #womeninvideogames mini guide: TY for your help, Shannon Sullivan and @Idit at @WW_Workshop, + @allie_szymanski 4/4 #
- #womeninvideogames mini guide: TY for your help, @libe_goad @manojalpa @amyjokim Lisa Rutherford at @coliloquy 3/4 #
- #womeninvideogames mini guide: TY for your help, @sandechen Catherine Dinh at @LeapFrog @ElonkaDunin @HoppingFun 2/3 #
- #womeninvideogames mini guide: TY for your help, @tweetlessbex @br @amycake5 @tara @ChromeHearts01 @Capcom_Unity 1/3 #
- Check out my @current mini-guide for #womeninvideogames - what other tips would you give to help women thrive? #
- .@NearJay @Brokelyn If I didn't have a board meeting tonight for @BxLGBTQCenter, I would totally go to Coney tonight! <3 Joan Jett forever! in reply to NearJay #
- The text messages reminding me when my Verizon bill is "ready" always give me a second of grump I have to shake off. #whitewhinebypoc #
- omg!!! “@Brokelyn: Do you love rock and roll? Joan Jett plays for free in Coney tonight!” #
- .@PanaNegra No problem. I'm dismayed that the census folks still think "Hispanic" is some magical bucket everyone can fall in. Gross. in reply to PanaNegra #
- pretty much #dontbeshady #teamshare “@projecteve1 There is a special place in hell 4 women who don’t help other women - Madeline Albright” #
- When I'm in "writing mode," my sleep schedule gets all effed up. But it feels good to be in "writing mode." #doingthework #
- hehehe “@NBCNewYork: NYC vibrator giveaway shut down due to crowds.” #
- wtf “@HispanicNewYork: Census Bureau Considering Classifying "Hispanic" as a Race” #
- TY! I met my writing goal 4 last night, hope 2 stay on track “@mponto: @dcap good luck. Love that you are a fellow writer! #SUNDANCE € #
- thanks homie “@Aj_Howell: @dcap I will kick your goat butt personally” #
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