- love “@Sedna_51: @Agent_M is it true that if you high-five @RealHughJackman you instantly grow a pair of luxurious muttonchop sideburns?†#
- TY that means a lot to me. :) RT @TweetlessBex YAY this turned out great!! Good work @dcap :) #WomenInVideoGames #
- *joy screaming on a bus* “@DCTVny: A game jam based around Jean Claude Van Damme films in NYC this wknd via @murmurco" #
- .@jenbo1 @bkbrains re: being a connector, use tech to build community but don't underestimate power of on the ground, IRL interactions. in reply to jenbo1 #
- VIDEO: Gay couple in AZ adopts 12 foster kids <big big hearts + inspiration for my own goals> #
- I am obsessed w sharing information that has benefitted me or that I think will help others. It's in my DNA. Twitter facilitates my nature. #
- lol wow ty! “@norbertoviale: @dcap thanks a lot! I didn´t know this feature... u r great! u deserve all the love in the world for this :)†#
- .@norbertoviale oh it's a feature built into the iPhone. I use it a lot for research, evidence: in reply to norbertoviale #
- Pandora is +100 on long BoltBus rides :) Enjoying the passing blur of green and highway outside my window & Nirvana #
- Wow! “@LATimesEnt: Candy Crowley is 1st female moderator of presidential debate since '92†#
- I've had a very abusive relationship with my inner artist and I'm finally letting her do her thing. She's like "give me room, god damn it!" #
- So, I really like Baltimore. Going back at end of the month :) In between event stuff I worked on my #Sundance script & I felt good. #
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “@joshuatopolsky: So so so so so great. New York's first sci-fi bookstore opens its doors†#
- Yup! Just have to be open to it <3 “@Lichiban: inspiration everywhere†#
- :) great talk! “@suzy_ex: Thanks @dcap for tweeting about my talk. See you soon, friend! And DM me your address for those zines please :)†#
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