- Lol “@emilybell: Reddit is a blow 4 RNC though. maybe Paul Ryan can quickly mod on Minecraft & pull back 13-yr old socially awkward vote†#
- lmfao “@natashavc: Give me any chance to slut shame Marilyn Monroe and I'll take it.†#
- Sad “@HuffPostLive: The number of PhDs on welfare more than tripled between 2007 and 2010 #education #HuffPostLive†#
- Feeling blessed that @poczineproject tour planning=progressing in fabulous+ productive manner. This helps me deal w a lot of unrelated BS <3 #
- .@SoyChaiLatte Def! Feel free to message/add me: daniela AT dcapmedia DOT com, I'll be in touch :) in reply to SoyChaiLatte #
- likes the juxtaposition of listening 2 Bikini Kill : Suck My Left One while answering emails in my biz/grown up voice. #
- RT @POCZineProject CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: 'We Got this,' a #zine 2 share sex worker resources/strategies for protection #
- .@lilysea Considering how many networks air tweets, I think @twitter shd update their TOS 2 include this reality. But no one reads those :/ in reply to lilysea #
- #nowplaying Talking Heads - "This Must Be The Place" Soundtrack for a nomadic life ... <3 #
- Would you be upset if a network used your tweets w/o that? What would you do? RT @lilysea @dcap I think they should ask permission first. #
- So guys, you probably know this already, but several networks are using your RNC & DNC tweets on air. Do you care? I'm curious. #
- .@SoyChaiLatte I love your writing. I regret never asking you to meets IRL in NYC. I'm frequently in LA so, safe travels! xo in reply to SoyChaiLatte #
- Those Education Connection TV commercials are so insulting to millennials. #
- .@strategiclee Cool! Will do :) in reply to strategiclee #
- wow “@MediaReDEF: NYPD Officer Takes to Reddit, Offers Disturbing Answers to Questions About Cops and Their Guns†#
- .@strategiclee I sleep on the weekends. Hey! Are you in SF? I'm out here til 9/7 let's meet up if so! in reply to strategiclee #
- I daresay that I probably love #Squidbillies more than ATHF. It's really hard to choose but #Squidbillies does more topical stuff. #
- me too! “@TGOD_cuh: I like how #Squidbillies intro song is "different genre" every episode now..†#
- lmfao!! “@StickMagik: The old lady talking for Alabama's delegates sounds just like the grandma from #squidbillies #RNC #p2 #hardball†#
- I cannot express how much I appreciate the genius behind #Squidbillies in 140c. It's fucking brilliant satire & totally underrated. #
- .@santagati #Squidbillies is on right now!!! #adultswim in reply to santagati #
- ZOMG you love #Squidbillies too??? <3 No one will watch it with me #lames #philistines “@santagati: @dcap That's my show!†#
- Disclosure: there are several people I follow just because they once tweeted about Squidbillies. #adultswim #
- Robot Chicken has a Neverending Story parody. It was AWESOME. I am SO happy I just saw this. #hoteltv #adultswim #
- I like the 8mm app, fun for video “@SnoopDogg: Lemme. know. what apps ur usin n what social networks?? Whats craccin?†#
- So guys, you probably know this already, but several networks are using your RNC & DNC tweets on air. Do you care? I'm curious. #
- so important, right? impacts work quality “@peoplegogy: @dcap so true. I fed my crew well during my time in film school†#
- The people at Alhamra in SF are hilarious. No utensils or napkins in a delivery of Indian food? Really? cc @grubhub #
- I mean, if you have any doubts about how important food is to morale, look at how @google hooks up their employees. Food for days. Smart. #
- The 1st thing I will check w my AD each day on my first feature that I direct= state of/quality of crafty. For real. Food morale is critical #
- 2/2 I first learned that on the set of Mira Nair's film The Namesake, where I watched several crew members have a meltdown re: crappy crafty #
- Something I learn from working in film production that has served me well: always make sure yr team is fed, hydrated & gets potty breaks 1/2 #
- I'm committed to seeing one bay area friend per day while I'm out here. So far, so good. Had breakfast today with an awesome homie. #
- I'm getting Indian food from @grubhub right now because I'm a modern woman who likes naan so very much. #
- Check it: + drop by from 4pm - 8pm ET this week, that's when it's "off the chain." My slang goes retro when I'm tired. #
- ^_^ TY, ditto RT @angelamedia @dcap you too--Great job handling a big section of the bucket brigade! #
- Great day guys! @shananaomi @VictorBalta @laurelmargaret @monicaleas @angelamedia @joelhyatt #Current2012 Sorry 2 those I left off, tired:) #
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