- Nom (@ Acme Burgerhaus w/ 2 others) #
- .@shananaomi LMAO I had to urban dictionary that. Thanks! You're a bamf teeeew! Enjoy the long weekend too <3 in reply to shananaomi #
- lol I feel her RT @yayponies "do we have any friends who want to make decisions?" #shitmywifesays #dinnerproblems #
- In NYC I work @ home+occasionally go 2 the studio. For this SF work trip, I've been supervising 12-18 ppl @ a time. Mantra: "be like water" #
- My friend last night :"Your energy is very intense." She meant it as a compliment & I took it that way. I am who I am. I'm not passive. #
- .@anniecolbert I really like your website. Lots of personality :) in reply to anniecolbert #
- Who's dumb idea was it again in the 90s 2 force kids 2 learn cursive but not computer science? Society is paying for that now. #
- lmfao “@damnsheDIDthat: the voice my ex uses in his head to read my tweets as he stalks my timeline is probably hilarious.†#
- Liberal white folks who make fun of #RNC attendees but don't have any real POC friends & are clueless about local POC issues are funny. #
- +1 “@DearWhitePeople: @Upworthy If anyone is playing @baratunde's #NegroSpotting as a drinking game - they are assuredly okay to drive.†#
- lmao #rnc “@JasonBerlin: Why would the oceans rise? That’s RIDICULOUS, laughed the people who believe the Red Sea parted.†#
- #truth #RNC “@billmaher: Who can type fast enough to keep up with all the lies?†#
- #nowplaying the best thing i've heard on soundcloud in a long time #
- It has been wonderful to see a bay area friend every day since I've been in NYC. Friday night I'll be at @maxrnr HQ w/ my friend Mariam <3 #
- .@pennymisandry hiiiiiii! <3 you found me on Twitter! yay! Nice to "see" you :) in reply to pennymisandry #
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