- sounds like a cool horror movie “@natashavc: Tyrannical white women with the warmth of raptors.†#
- .@Aj_Howell I like your blog :) in reply to Aj_Howell #
- mmmmm, yes I do *drools* RT @Aj_Howell: @ShaunnaPsyched @dcap visited Canada years ago and she still craves our ketchup chips†#
- .@bondgyrl punk music+ethos already informs many aspects of culture today. w/out that influence, punk wouldn't be a new option 2day vs 70s. #
- .@bondgyrl argh twitter is doing something weird with my tweets :/ sorry. i'll try to finish my thought in upcoming tweet: #
- .@bondgyrl 2/2 punk philosophy as an antidote to consumer culture also is something kids are just discovering today, but 3/4 #
- .@bondgyrl Let me clarify: kids are still discovering "punk" for the first time today. but often that is commerciallized alterna junk 1/2 #
- It would not. RT @bondgyrl What if punk emerged today, instead of in 1977? interesting question via @wired please share your thoughts #
- Conflict will never go away. It's part of life. So when it appears, you are not a failure, this is an opportunity to grow. Keep going <3 #
- Poor Suzy! I tried 2 take a pic but he moved. “@suzy_ex: @dcap YES IT SMELLS LIKE A TOILET AND THIS DUDE IS TRYIN TO SNUGGLE AHHHHH†#
- My BFF Julia B., who was on the @POCZineProject panel @ #Wellesley w me 2day, agrees that this BoltBus back 2 NYC smells like stinky butts. #
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