- Downtowwwwwn/everything’s waiting for youuuuuuuuu #
- yaaaay <3 “@pennymisandry: omg you guys i told my mom i was gay and she was all ‘chelsey i’m yr mom i love you no matter whaaaaaat’†#
- A very long recap of what I've been up to in 2012 #
- <3 rad! RT @goodglobalcitiz @dcap in 2011, 93percent of 's funding went directly 2 our educational programming/mission in reply to goodglobalcitiz #
- 5/5 I'm not saying gov funded nonprofits are bad. I'm saying setting up yr org 2rely solely on gov. funding w/out other support isn't wise. #
- 4/4 2) Why wd u/nonprofit opt into a paradigm where if the gov pulls funds, your entire org crumbles+services vanish? Final thought: 5/5 #
- 3/4 1) why wd u set up yr infrastructure so that when gov funding runs out, you are immobilized by lack of gov funds? + 2) cont. 4/4 #
- 2/2 I'm also wary of nonprofits that say can't serve community @ all when their gov funding runs out. A few questions come 2 mind: cont. 3/4 #
- I'm wary of nonprofits that spend more $ on keeping staff employed+on admin overhead than actually serving community they formed 2 serve 1/2 #
- Hm! “@hardlynormal: Forbes 400: Help Wanted - I'm Hiring Homeless Women In Detroit - Forbes†#
- ooo! “@Filmbot: Canon 7D finally hacked by Magic Lantern team . Whats old is new again.†#
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