- NOM NOM tx for a great time last night! <3 RT @laurenthedark The Williamsburg version @Corvida @dcap #
- Custom iPhone home screen geekness :p #
- I'm at The Meatball Shop (84 Stanton Street, btw Orchard & Allen Streets, New York) w/ 8 others #
- These Potter girls finally have closure @corvida @laurenthedark #
- Help fund 2012 *bklyn boihood* calendar! by bklyn boihood — Kickstarter via @kickstarter #
- EXACTLY <3 can't wait RT @shananaomi @dcap turning 30 = amazing, 4all thesereasons. permiss 2 stop trying 2 figure itall out & justbe :) #
- Check out latest from my homie Jen: Alan Cumming Found Out About His Emmy Nomination From Costar Who Wasn't Nominated #
- @dangillmor Migration is a factor. u built up your community & they connected with you on another plane. Google+ benefits from Twitter in reply to dangillmor #
- @corvida safe travels <3 and HARRY POTTER TONIGHT in reply to corvida #
- some thoughts on how my life has changed since moving to nyc in 2004: #
- @laurenthedark meets La Mission DILF #
- time to LEAVE THE HOUSE AND BREATHE REAL AIR. #cabinfever #
- [recent purchase] Always On: How the iPhone Unlocked the Anything-Anytime-Anywhere Future--and Locked Us In via @amazon #
- Marked as to-read: Always On by Brian Chen #
- great article by @laurenthedark How to Profit From a Passion for Sports via @IncMagazine #
- So, Sparks on Google+ is basically Google Alerts in one place but I'm finding it extremely useful to track & share specific topics #
- JOY! RT @brainpicker #yesplease Errol Morris is making a film with Paul Rudd and Ira Glass (via @flavorpill) #
- Great customer service 2day from @onsensecret re: issue with Showcase System Face delivery Amazing products that work #
- #nowplaying Debbie the Online Dater - CAN'T HUG EVERY CAT #icant #
- @briggles @mutgoff LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. #
- @shananaomi :/ sorry to hear. maybe this will help? in reply to shananaomi #
- cheers! RT @RayCarsillo @dcap No problem. You're someone who more ppl should follow! And we fellow online producers have 2 stick together ;) #
- @RayCarsillo you always add me to your #ff tweets. i appreciate it! i don't do #ff anymore but TY for the <3 :) YER A GOOGLE PLUS in reply to RayCarsillo #
- I <3 infographics RT Infographic Search & Data Visualization Tools Launch Publicly via @sewatch #
- @visually the Twitter Visualizer isn't working for me. page looks broken in chrome. Halp? #
- @mtvitamin yikes! i hope you're OK in reply to mtvitamin #
- o_O I am now on Google+. My friends are finally sharing enough for me to care. #
- @StKonrath haha! maybe. i've been complaining about not wanting 2 join another community. but enough of my friends R on now to give it a go in reply to StKonrath #
- O_o RT @StKonrath After 2 weeks - Larry Page: Google+ (Plus) has over 10 million users, 1 billion shared items per day #
- #tedglobal fellow hangs with livestream guest @thatsjodi #
- Cool! RT @estria Another South Bronx piece #
- #tedglobal stream party spread (some) #
- #TEDGlobal streaming party @ my lair tonight, starting now (30 min early) - 2AM. DM for invite, all welcome! snack + beers + brain food = <3 #
- I love my BFF. She doesn't have a Twitter anymore so I'm calling her by her Tumblr name, Yer always there for me <3 #
- #nowplaying On To The Next One - Jay-Z #
- #TEDGlobal 2011 streaming party starts at 10 PM ET tonight at my lair. DM for invite, all NYC folks or peeps in town welcome. #
- #nowplaying 2pac Feat Danny Boy - I Aint Mad At Cha #
- Buncha haterz at #tedglobal livestream party #
- #TEDGlobal stream guest chillin, don't miss tomorrow's session! #
- Inviting the neighbors #
- Hi there, new followers. I'm hosting a #TEDGlobal livestream party tonight. If yer in NYC, DM for invite. #
- :-) yay!!!! RT @laurenthedark @dcap @corvida Tickets purchased! 3-D #
- @corvida Someone told me to tell you he wants to be a #TEDGlobal TED Fellow [pic] #
- today = nutbawz busy #nowplaying Rick Ross - Hustlin' #
- yay! bring butterbeer too ;) RT @dcap @corvida Yes, ma'am. If I can't swing by today, it with DEFINITELY get done tomorrow. #HPmadness #
- @corvida a spider bit me in the back of my neck last night. i now have teleporting powers & will be joining you at #TEDGlobal shortly #
- @laurenthedark @corvida YES DO IT NOW WE'LL PAY YOU BACK THEN XOXOXO in reply to laurenthedark #
- I'll be streaming ALL of today's #TEDGlobal sessions at my place, starting at 9 PM ET - 2 AM ET. Email danielaATdcapmediaDOTcom for invite #
- I'll be hosting #TEDGlobal livestream sessions through 7/15 @ my lair. Great ideas, beers, & snacks. Email Danielaatdcapmediadotcom 4 invite #
- @filmfuturist sweet! congrats! Is project HQ? in reply to filmfuturist #
- @thatsjodi just dropped by for my #TEDGlobal livestream session. through her, I now know about a playwright group in midtown. #fb #
- I'm in love with #TEDGlobal In my fantasies I have like 10 peeps who would love to watch the livestream with me this week & discuss it #
- I'm watching the #TEDGlobal livestream archive of today's sessions, yer welcome to come join me. DM me for deets, happening til midnight #
- TEDGlobal2011 livestream time in 20 min! #
- #nowplaying The Roots - I Remain Calm #
- #nowplaying Barry White - You're The First, The Last, My Everything [pretending all calls/folks sound like barry white] #
- #nowplaying Barry White - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love Baby *deep voice* yeaaah #
- #nowplaying Irene Cara - Flashdance... What A Feeling #
- If you haven't watched #Vanguard on @Current, you are missing out on the BEST doc series on TV. New episode airs 7/12 #
- following #TEDGlobal today & psyched about my livestream party tonight. thanks 4 hooking up the feed @corvida! bring me back euro chocolate! #
- @filmfuturist "Dump your e-junk" sounds like an awesome Baltimore-style party track ;P in reply to filmfuturist #
- Nice! Pls to get me Maus? ;) RT @Hnics85 Setting up for a shoot @MidtownComics and Nerding The F*ck Out! I'm about to spend $100 in here #
- woah! 0_0 reminds me of Cali gangsters organizing via twitter RT @mexicoreporter Mexican drug cartels using social media #
- #nowplaying Billie Holiday - They Can't Take That Away From Me #
- #nowplaying Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - Summertime [thinking of row boat, luxuriating, mojito, watching sunset] #
- @SMCSac If a paid gig, I can refer some peeps. Email me details & rate range to daniela AT dcapmedia DOT com and I'll circulate in reply to SMCSac #
- @corvida I bet your brain is exploding right now with sweet ass knowledge at #TEDGlobal I'm so jelly #
- @lyneka Fame by Irene Cara! :D in reply to lyneka #
- haha RT @harperharper @joshuahorowitz don't worry abt sunscreen: just wear white and blue and you'll be all ready for your next livestream #
- @shananaomi haha i think i'm the only one, i never see it. I RULE. in reply to shananaomi #
- Should students be taught how to write Twitter feeds and YouTube captions in composition class? [I say yes] #fb #
- I'm at Current TV (435 Hudson St., Leroy, New York) #
- I just became the mayor of Current TV on @foursquare! #
- testing livestream quality for TEDGlobal2011 viewing party tomorrow #
- ooo! RT @brooklynbowl TONIGHT: The 7th Annual Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival ft. special guests! Doors at 6 // Show at 8 #
- "In summary, journalism folks: It is in your economic interests to learn how to make the internets." - [preach!] #
- omg omg Porculpa the zero gravity cat RT @MotherboardTV Artist Lyn Hagan uploaded her zero gravity film in full finally! #
- Economy Faces a Jolt as Benefit Checks Run Out #
- The Hand That Rocks The Cradle in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- *chortles* RT @RavenZech The Bone Collecter in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- Earth Girls Are Easy in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants :D #
- Lol RT @vcthatsme #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood In My Pants. #
- Fame in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- Nice one RT @sofiacheng P.S.: I Love You In My Pants. #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- An American Tale: Fievel Goes West in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- The 5th Element in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- @OliveTonic teehee good times. in reply to OliveTonic #
- mural near my building #
- #nowplaying Criminal by Apple, Fiona on @Grooveshark: #
- #nowplaying Heartbreak Hotel by Whitney Houston on @Grooveshark: #
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