- Why do so many Latinos love Freestyle and Morrissey? Haha. OK, bye Twitters. No more until Monday. #
- +1 RT @webanna @dcap Oh if we're talking #freestylefriday we gotta talk about #dreamboy #
- #nowplaying Newcleus - Jam On It #freestyle #yeahstretching #parameters #ofwhat #classifies #asongas #freestylefriday #
- #nowplaying Afrika Bambaataa - Planet Rock #freestylefriday #kinda #technically #
- *robot dance* #
- #nowplaying Shannon - Let The Music Play #freestylefriday #
- #nowplaying Lisa-Lisa and Cult Jam - I Wonder If I Take You Home #freestylefriday #
- @mspray1 thanks for sharing the @countdownko post! in reply to mspray1 #
- Here's @countdownko blog post I was working on: Joe Romm explains how science will help U.S. compete with India & China #
- #nowplaying DJ Blaqstarr & Rye Rye- Shake It To The Ground - time to write recap of Joe Romm on STEM for @CountdownKO #
- Ya like apples? 8/22 6:30-8:00 pm, Gotham Girls will be doing a public scrimmage 4 derby fans @ The High Line rink. How ya like them apples? #
- #nowplaying The Eagles - Hotel California #
- north for 9/21-9/24 but some of those other days in LA :) i hope we can meet up & eat something w bacon RT @shananaomi @dcap north or south #
- It's official: I'm going to be in Cali from 9/15 - 9/26. If you want to meet up, DM me or let's meld through the usual channels. #
- @laurenthedark @Corvida I'm working late tomorrow, but perhaps Saturday or Sunday? I'll check in with you both lata in reply to laurenthedark #
- My copies of @jennydeluxe's Girl Crush zine arrived! Dope #
- @RepRaulGrijalva You are awesome. I hope your bill passes. #
- #nowplaying Under My Thumb by The Rolling Stones [another "manly" ditty i know/love so well] #
- #nowplaying The Seed 2.0 by The Roots [most manly lyrics of all time & I belt them at the top of my lungs] #
- @PaulCantor last one :) my most FAV guitar driven song: Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry from birth to earth. goodnight in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor only other similar song i <3 more is this live version of otis redding's try a little tenderness gets crazy in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor that guitar in the beginning makes me bug out running around my apartment at top speed. joe tex is the truth in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor i feel the same way about joe tex's "show me" in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor my pop culture references get a little schizophrenic at this hour, apologies. agreed, curtis mayfield's joint is beautiful in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor oh i was way off. i was like i never heard anyone talk about "the jeffersons" theme song w such passion before. in reply to PaulCantor #
- @PaulCantor Wait, were you talking about The Jeffersons or Primal Scream? in reply to PaulCantor #
- you often post deep shit RT @PaulCantor instrumental break in "movin on up" is among the greatest pieces of music captured in a recording #
- @MsMichelle i'd say get off twitter, but then i would be a pot. try some tea and possibly this enya song in reply to MsMichelle #
- i agree RT @SimardTV @DSLRinformer For me, it's more about the cinematic tools. news is not drama & nor should facts be dramatized #
- @jayhovawitness +1 for your own travel hashtag. I'm stealing that idea when I go to Cali next month. in reply to jayhovawitness #
- I'm pretty sure my idea of personal vlogging is not anything that's going 2 help my career. Building up to something... #
- If you're a Rutger Hauer fan, I did this intv with him earlier this year: RT @BentnWasted @dcap I'll check it out! #
- a girl after me own heart RT @jennimiller76 @dcap I saw that, Source Code and Drive Angry 3D in one day. countless gory deaths! #
- Hobo with a Shotgun. Mama's Gun. Top Gun. I love them all equally. #
- Hey guys! Hobo with a Shotgun is on Netflix Instant. And frankly I'm sad that only my dudebros care. :/ #whereda ™€goryactionfans #
- >:D (@ Countdown With Keith Olbermann) #
- :/ RT @moorehn The text of my nihilistic piece on the economic indicator that tells us prices are rising and no one cares. #
- #nowplaying Q-Tip - Breathe & Stop cc @corvida @am_nyc @ramonapringle @kthread @bxwebb @filmfuturist #humpdaytrack #
- Vote for @Corvida's @SXSW panel, guys! "Race: Know When To Hold It And When To Fold It" #dope #
- 5 Rad Things: ‘Unicorns’ film progress, Sonic for iPhone, iPad 3 release date, FB’s Social Design Guidelines, & more #
- There has to be a way for me to get paid to watch TNG on @Netflix. There just has to be. #becauseidoiteverydamnnightafter1AM #gnite #
- lol RT @questlove lol at @andersoncooper using "yo" as a ny illmatic era noun in his news report w/a straight face "im sayin...let em be yo" #
- @santagati omg geeeeeeeek ;) in reply to santagati #
- unmmmm.... my cabbie has gas :/ #
- co-sign RT @girlonetrack Journalists please read @paulbradshaw's When will we stop saying Pics frm Twitter/Video frm YouTube? #
- Knowledge is power. Here is my story. #
- Hope that @GovChristie gets how important it is 4 rape victims not 2 have 2 pay for their own rape kits. He's let this bill sit for 10 weeks #
- @govchristie If you're seriously concerned with bringing reform to NJ, why don't you start with protecting rape victims. Sign the bill!!!! #
- Get crackin' please, @govchristie! WTF. RT @Current Gov. Christie stalling on bill to support rape victims #
- Good morning #nowplaying Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven #
- lmfao. rotfl. RT “@PaulCantor: Funniest tumblr of all time right here†#
- Ok, that's all my music research for tonight. Goodnight, mr. peepers #
- I'm super excited to listen to/dissect Le Butcherettes' new album, "Sin Sin Sin," this week. #feminist #punk #latina #
- listening to "David" by Noah Gundersen on PLAY by AOL. "<3 good track. normally don't like these reflecting folky ... #
- Just loved Ou Est Le Swimming Pool - Dance The Way I Feel on @hypem #
- I'm annoyed that "Suggestions of a Life Being Lived" isn't in stock on amazon & not in Cameraworks' online store :/ #
- Just loved George Michael - Faith (Aeroplane Remix) on @hypem #
- Just loved The Phenomenal Handclap Band - Baby (Clock Opera Remix) on @hypem #
- Just loved Kids These Days - Summerscent on @hypem #
- Just loved Theophilus London - I Stand Alone on @hypem #
- Just loved Feist - The Limit To Your Love on @hypem #
- #nowplaying Foster the People - Call It What You Want on @hypem mobile radio #
- #nowplaying weak - swv #
- #nowplaying too close - next #
- "My emotions are inappropriate to my size... and that is why I transfer the energy into sculpture." - Louise Bourgeois, French artist <3 #
- #nowplaying can we - swv #
- I <3 epic meal time on YouTube but I wish they were less douchey w exploiting female guest eaters. Not everything has to look like a dong #
- :/ RT @MotherJones Today's most-read story: Why Bottled Water Companies Target Blacks and Latinos, by @jaeahjlee #
- An unintentional but happy result of blogging more is that it's bringing my mom & I closer together :) Her comment: <3 #
- #nowplaying Julie Ruin - Aerobicide FOR YOU! #
- 0_0 omg I'll be in Cali then RT @sectionquartet @dcap No NYC shows on tap but 9/23 in LA we perform Radiohead's The Bends in its entirety. #
- preeeech #cosign RT @VictorBalta Sorry, @SpotifyUSA -- @pandora_radio wins. Would still love to see something that combines the two, but... #
- #nowplaying Stuck On Repeat by Little Boots on <3 #
- Yes! Worth the cost of Netflix alone RT “@davidhoang: Started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation on @Netflix. I love this show so much. #
- wow RT “@prsarahevans: NYPD forms social media unit to mine Facebook & Twitter for mayhem #Commentz -†via @filmfuturist #
- #replacebandnameswithpancakes CSP aka Cansei de Ser Pancakes (3/3) #andmyworkhereisdone #gnite #
- #replacebandnameswithpancakes Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes! (2/3) #
- #replacebandnameswithpancakes Artist Formerly Known As Pancakes (1/3) #
- #replacebandnameswithpancakes Junior Pancakes #
- @sectionquartet you guys are awesome, actually my iPhone was just being a fart face. it's there now. doing any shows in nyc soon??? in reply to sectionquartet #
- Announcement: I now have Sonic 1, 2, and 4 on my iPhone. You are so jelly. And I am not finishing my 6 books by midnight. Oh no. #seeegaaa #
- @sectionquartet Alas, I just bought Fuzzbox on iTunes & "Black Hole Sun" didn't come through/didn't download. It's why I bought it :(ohwell #
- @filmfuturist ^_^ heehee. i think i may have watched "we live in public" too many times. but it was great research material in reply to filmfuturist #
- No prob! <3 you guys RT @sectionquartet @dcap Thx for the kind words...we also sometimes make music that makes reading very difficult. #
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