- Just made a donation to the #occupywallstreet #TakeWallStreet livestream team. <3 #fb #
- @nycHope thanks! I'm going to donate to #occupywallstreet here in reply to nycHope #
- Is there a legit link to a donation page for #occupywallstreet #TakeWallStreet? I want to support #
- I'm surprised @Foursquare hasn't created an #occupywallstreet #TakeWallStreet #ourwallstreet check-in or badge yet. #fb #
- sweet! RT @ivanovitch Thrilled to announce @starwars + @bigspaceship relaunched -- would love to know what everyone thinks! #
- No but life isn't fair & co.'s have that right RT heatherhuhman Are Years of Experience Requirements Fair to Younger Workers? #
- awww yeahhh! #going RT @TEDxBrooklyn to be held @ Brooklyn Bowl on Dec 2nd!! Info - #redefining #better #
- This overview of careers in social media strategy is a great intro/101 for kids considering their career path: #
- #nowplaying Nirvana - Come As You Are #
- #nowplaying Blind Melon - No Rain *does bee girl dance* #
- #nowplaying Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun #
- I CANNOT wait to go to Mexico next week. CAN'T. WAIT. #
- @wigsie your adventures are really inspiring :) in reply to wigsie #
- @ancestrydotcom Funny, I never signed up for a "World Explorer Membership" to be automatically billed monthly. Cancelled my account. #
- Pipeline Project's bi-weekly LGBT employment list. 84 jobs all over the U.S. I turned it into this Google Doc: Share! #
- Looking 4 folks 2 collab w @ NYC Startup Weekend. App idea pairs pop culture commentary w1single addictive activity. Sense of humor required #
- GASP! I can see you now! :) Hi RT @LivePaola Good evening. New profile picture. #
- @Google In light of the recent F8 announcements, it's not a good look for gmail to be down... #
- GRIMY RT @corvida @dcap stop hating on my Sims ok. Or I'll clone you in my game and make you into a thief that lives in a halfway house #
- VIDEO: The New Metropolitan Minority Map: Regional Shifts in Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks from Census 2010 #
- I unlocked the iPhoner sticker on @GetGlue! #
- first getglue artist update @GetGlue #ZolaJesus #
- @corvida @TheSims3 It's a toilet that self-cleans AND sprays your Sim with perfume while playing music? #ohyoufancyhuh in reply to corvida #
- Now would be the perfect time to watch "Dune." #insomnia #peaceyall #
- well, I hope so RT @indiewire REVIEW | "The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)" Will Satisfy Your Gruesome Expectations #
- #nowplaying Baxter - Fading #
- 'sup, night owls RT @santagati Yup. RT @LJM15: RT @taylorenee: RT @wishishere: Wide awake.. #
- no problemo <3 RT @chanelleberlin Not gonna lie, I think Facebook's Timeline redesign looks pretty dope. Thanks for the link, @dcap! #
- "Tell me, are you bold enough to reach for love?" #
- LOL RT @nickbilton At Facebook F8. Guy to girl ratio: 100 to 1. Nerd to non-nerd: 100 to 1. Billionaire to non-billionaire: 1 to 100. #
- Tonight on ‘Countdown’: Michael Moore - Countdown with Keith Olbermann via @CountdownKO #
- #nowplaying Tiësto feat. Tegan & Sara - Feel It In My Bones #
- #nowplaying Girl, You Have No Faith In Medicine - The White Stripes ...It's going to be OK. #f8 #
- #nowplaying Mya - My Love Is Like...Wo cc @corvida #
- LOL RT @ncroal Every single day Every word you say Every game you play Every night you stay I'll be watching you #f8 #
- @filmfuturist Congrats on the new digs for @transmedianyc! The Elinor Bunin Munroe Center is sexy <3 #
- Hashtag campaigns don't work if you simply mass hit people in tweet batches. That's called spam. #
- I just got tickets for Zola Jesus at Knitting Factory Brooklyn on 10/18/2011: on @ticketfly #
- RT @HarvardBiz - Social Media's Impending Flood of Customer Unlikes - Brian Solis - Harvard Business Review: #
- @monsieurcs I owe you like 100 beers for turning me on to @ZOLAJESUS. I have found my ear mother ship. #
- Dear Bot, it is 1 John 3:18 RT @savedbygrace99 @dcap My children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed & in truth. ~1jhon 3:18 #
- Zola Jesus – Conatus: exclusive album stream via @guardian #
- Being an early adopter, bleeding edge, etc. is a reward in itself. #
- I'm excited to be a part of @PromaxBDA's NY Executive Mentorship Program (launched this week). I'll share my experience #
- #nowplaying zola jesus - i can't stand #
- Reasonable doubt. No physical evidence. Those who support the death penalty will continue to -- 'til it's someone they love. #IAMTROYDAVIS #
- Troy Davis. #OccupyWallStreet #TakeBackWallStreet. So much happening right now. #
- @monsieurcs agrees, says 2 check out War on Drug's LP 'Slave Ambient,' Girls' LP 'Father, Son, Holy Ghost ,' & Zola Jesus' LP 'Sacred Bones' #
- Gotta say, after listening to Dum Dum Girls' new album, the polished produx on so many lovesick songs turns me off. GAP will love it. #
- @TheAVClub is streaming the upcoming full-length from Dum Dum Girls, 'Only In Dreams' /via @olivetonic #
- Hey, teacher peeps: Check out Launched today! #
- 5 Rad Things: YouTube’s new editing tools, how to hide yo kids/hide yo wife, Instagram, Cinemagraphs, The Queer Commons #
- I wish I could attend @janellemonae's "Thrivals 4.0: Future of Learning" discussion today at! #
- @am_NYC OK cool, I'll email you tomorrow to work it out <3 in reply to am_NYC #
- LOL RT @OliveTonic @dcap yeah i think that's most futuristic #
- @OliveTonic I vote for 300dpi in reply to OliveTonic #
- Swear to God, I will punch you dead in the face if you don't listen to Alabama Shakes' EP right now. #
- Can't wait RT @jamiekilstein Not to harp but here is the official page and info for you to see me on Countdown tonight. #
- God, I wish I could go to @fantasticfest. Next year. cc @corvida #
- "I play my enemies like a game of chess" - Lauryn Hill #
- #nowplaying The Fugees - Ready Or Not #
- Want to change @nycgov from the inside out -- with your INTERNETZ??? NYC Digital is now hiring for 4 positions: #
- Yup. All your moves came from The Fresh Prince. / via @thequeenofohio #
- Cenk Uygur and @theyoungturks are coming to @Current: #
- @am_NYC <3 i'm only free after midnight during the week these days. this weekend, perhaps? i'm going to mexico on tuesday in reply to am_NYC #
- I just accidentally poured a bunch of tea tree oil in my eye and it reminded me I have an early call tomorrow. Night night, Twitterz. #
- The later it gets, the more I want to tweet about how ST:TNG is the best show of all time. #
- lmao RT “@robdelaney: "What exquisite emotional armor you're wearing!" is a good ice breaker at a party†#
- There's a fine line between networking and using. You know which is which if you don't reciprocate generosity. #
- Yup RT @acarvin: Does anyone else think it's inappropriate 4 conference organizers 2 ask speakers 2 send out promo tweets written by them? #
- Right? My first day in scarf-mode RT “@moth: Feels like October out. I love it.†#
- This made my day. RT @jessmisener I wrote this! RT @Awl: Millennial Internet Writer Gets Coffee - #
- *nods furiously* RT @ImmPolicyCenter Better Immigrant Integration Leads to Economic Growth #immigration #p2 #
- @fernandocarrion Yes, Twitter explains why here: in reply to fernandocarrion #
- #nowplaying Matta - Release The Freq #
- If you care anything at all about great music, listen to @Alabama_Shakes' EP: "Hold On" and "I Found You" on repeat <3 #
- +1 RT “@mawuseziegbe: I'm LOVING the Gossip's "Heavy Cross" in these Dior ads†#
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