- .@jeremymeyers @platypusrex256 Thanks for your help RTing! #
- takes one to know one RT “@toddstarnes: more crime from the diseased, unwashed perversion that is the Occupy movement.†#ows #
- I'm helping a friend attain an assistant photo editor (NYC) gig. Her work has been in Rolling Stone, People & Any leads appreciated #
- Cain Camp Turns Google Searches to Its Benefit - #
- it will if 1% keeps supporting cray legislation RT “@laurenthedark: Who among u believes that U.S. dollar will fall within our lifetimes? #
- +1 word chica RT @filmfuturist @dcap celeb thing w #ows is a real thorn in my side. their words/life already reflect ideals. No 1 is fooled #
- I love how boxing gives everyone an excuse to be racist. All of you -- turn off the tv and go to your room. #yalltoomuch #
- +1 RT @filmfuturist Boo RT @unclerush @MichaelSkolnik wrote blistering blog about media's reaction to Jay-Z's t-shirt #
- Cool! Good luck, folks RT “@nycbigapps: Teams: 12 hrs 45 mins to go at the #NYCBigApps 3.0. Power through!†#
- good luck! “@KrizGee: Apartment hunting! Just found a stunner in Union City, I LIVE for exposed brick, praying their transit is sufficient!" #
- "and the beat goes on/just like my love/everlasting" #
- @richmhuff ha! we were both at weddings today :) in reply to richmhuff #
- .@vicbeef @moopigmoo Congratulations on your nuptials and I am so happy for you!!! <3 Great seeing you both #
- tx! “@SacramentoZoo: @dcap I'll pass along your iced coffee request & the rest to the concessions general manager. Thanks for the feedback!†#
- Yelp Mocks Rick Perry's Debate Flop #lmao #
- .@sacramentozoo please consider offering iced coffee at your cafe & training your employees & figure out alt. with hot coffee & ice cups. TY #
- Flamingo time (@ Sacramento Zoo) #
- [[exciting!] Google Signs Two-Year, Global Partnership Agreement With Startup Weekend via @techcrunch #
- Time to watch Golden Girls. #
- I love that my family and friends will tolerate me waking them up at 6:30am to talk about transmedia concepts. #
- I also wish all conferences would do attendees a favor & storify convo recaps or some similar alt. Easy hits for their blog + great resource #
- some food for thought re: narrative ecosystems, as explained through beyonce's brand #
- i like to think about "narrative ecosystems." i wish more news orgs assessed the ongoing ones around stories & how their content fits in. #
- INFOGRAPHIC: Women and Mentoring in the U.S. via @LinkedIn #
- @yayponies it's on DVD! and I was mad because I thought I made up the title and was a marketing genius #iwaslate in reply to yayponies #
- Mad that "Santa Paws" is a real movie #
- She works hard for the money, so you better treat her right. #
- taking @corvida to her belated bday sushi-stravaganza (@ Mikuni) #
- X is garbage. +1 Final Cut 7 & Avid literacy “@stefaniedworkin: Curious 2 know the direction media establishments are going. FCP X #cujsoc € #
- :/ Sad but true. RT “@tcpuente: Ever been sexually harassed at work? More than 2/3 of women asked said yes†#
- Hi there! RT “@angelamedia: thanks @tcpuente ... The example I referenced was @dcap You two should meet!†#
- @angelamedia @latoyareports Hi :) Thanks for the intro, lady in reply to angelamedia #
- .@rachelsterne So happy that NYC Open Data launched a Tumblr today! Rad ^_^ #
- The Associated Press is seeking a Social Media Editor to be based in its headquarters in New York City. #
- I love these stories, especially those about learning new skills/adapting. #
- .@klout why do you continue to offer me perks more than 100 miles away from me? I dislike receiving these emails. #
- Why your social media imprint matters: HR is watching #
- fast as you can... #
- :) ha! TY. please email deets. i missed the full livestream, out here w/fam in cali. RT “@angelamedia: @dcap I talked about you!†#
- I hope the Occupy Wall Street Pro news app for 1.99 is shut down. It's crossing the line of being a news aggregator to stealing content. #
- .@angelamedia seeing a lot of positive feedback re: your comments at #cjhearst congrats! #
- To capitalize on news org brand page activity, accounts should be able to archive video hangout activity via seamless @youtube integration #
- besides @nytimes, which other news orgs plan on using their google+ brand pages 4 video hangout-driven intvs, reporter roundtables, etc.? #
- family time + @corvida (@ Bella Bru Cafe) #
- YouTube And Disney Just Hooked up via @sai #
- YouTÂube using Google+ to socialize with users http:Â//t.cÂo/JczÂV9gsq #
- Every episode of Full House reviewed -- with screenshots and snark. #blessyou #
- So proud of @Corvida, who was honored last night at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards. #WOTY <3 #
- Reading: Who Benefits When A Private Prison Comes To Town? #
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