- Chicken! STAT! (@ Peaches Hothouse) #
- Can't wait for Peaches HotHouse magical deliciousness cc @corvida @laurenthedark #
- .@ElBloombito #ows coming a tu casa todayo! muchos drummos! enjoyo! in reply to ElBloombito #
- Second 2 last foster parent training class is today. I want 2 veg on Netflix but will go anyway cuz I'm grown n responsible n destiny awaits #
- thiiiiiiiiis #
- When possible, it would be useful for folks to get badge #s of NYPD caught on camera brutalizing peaceful protesters. We need a list #ows #
- Edward Scissorhands. #
- Love, love, love #
- @mavindigital in my case, better. I wanted an immediate answer and I received one -- without phone tree crap. in reply to mavindigital #
- Taco time with @dmobley (@ Rosa Mexicano w/ 10 others) #
- Yes, on United Healthcare. Helpful! “@mavindigital: have you interacted with a virtual agent (digital persona)? what was experience like?†#
- Aspiring to be wealthy is not a crime. However siding w the 1% and condemning the 99% when you're not rich reminds me of Stockholm Syndrome. #
- .@ABenton HA! I know, right? Unrelated: I'm applying to @NewMEAccel. I have an idea for an app/platform for journalists & activists. in reply to ABenton #
- .@ABenton Me too! Also this tiny phenom Mini Barbie, she is amazing: I've been tracking girls who rap about good grades #
- @ABenton Me too! Also this tiny phenom Mini Barbie, she is amazing: I've been tracking girls who rap about good grades in reply to ABenton #
- #nowplaying Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps #
- "Would you lie? (no)/Make me cry? (no)/Do somethin' behind my back and then try to cover it up?/Well, neither would I, baby" <3 #
- #nowplaying CSS ~ Music Is My Hot Hot Sex #
- @OCRunner22 @HollyMac I am not interested in forcing your POV, just offering there is more than 1 side to the #ows story. Have a great day in reply to OCRunner22 #
- @OCRunner22 @HollyMac It's going to take more than 1 strategy to fix what is wrong in this country. Try advising instead of condemning. in reply to OCRunner22 #
- When things feel uncertain, ppl like to point fingers and lean on status quo. That's how things stay the same. #ows #
- Ppl want to know what #ows wants. What do U want? That's what it's about. And change is happening. Use your voting rights & make more change #
- @OCRunner22 @HollyMac The aim is multi-fold. Read, watch, engage. Democracy is never neat. It's always messy, especially in beginning #ows in reply to OCRunner22 #
- @OCRunner22 @HollyMac It's far 2 easy 2 take a negative approach. I support #ows and I'm not a wacko. I pay taxes, support limited gov, etc in reply to OCRunner22 #
- @OCRunner22 @HollyMac Note that the list is 1 person's point of view. It says so @ top of post. Dialog is important. All hands on deck #ows in reply to OCRunner22 #
- !!! Hey!!! <3 :D RT @columbialib Excited our old MTV colleague @dcap will be @barnlib tonight for the @poczineproject (Hi D - it's Emily :)) #
- props to @tumblr for helping to protect the internet! check it out: [screenshot] #
- Psyched that @msmagazine mentioned our @poczineproject event tonight w @barnlib and @forthebirdsnyc! #poczines #
- A pic of a few bins in storage doesn't = 5k+ #ows books that NYPD destroyed & threw out. Educators and book lovers have a right 2 be pissed! #
- #nowplaying Tracy + The Plastics - City #gutsyvhscontinued #
- I'm feeling gutsy VHS today. #nowplaying Julie Ruin - Aerobicide #
- Trying to start a #bookburningmayor meme ova heeeya. Check it out, remix, spread widely: #ows #
- How does this sound: @mikebloomberg: the book-burning mayor. Sounds like a t-shirt and meme to me. #ows #
- Now would be the time, @unclerush and other wealthy #ows supporters, to open your wallets & fund a physical space for #ows protesters. #
- Lol “@rickmarshall: @dcap same about my cats & a few slices of turkey. I swear they've tried to trip me in order to get at the sandwich.†#
- I'm pretty sure my cat would sell me into slavery for one chicken nugget. #
- Watch my boss/mentor @angelamedia talk about her professional history (36:15 in) + skills journalists need (38:28 in) #
- "Tell me/are you bold enough to reach for love?" - Many Moons, Janelle Monae #
- .@rachelsterne re: our convo: meet my friend @filmfuturist, co-founder of @transmedianyc and other cool projects! #transmedia #
- At Google X, a Top-Secret Lab Dreaming Up the Future: #
- Cool! There's a Spiderman-themed one sheet promoting the Made In NY PA program (@ NYC Media Office) [pic]: #
- Excited to speak with @rachelsterne today! I appreciate the opportunity to share ideas. NYC is definitely redefining open government. #
- The Entrepreneurial Generation: #
- Occupy for Jobs Movement is launched: #
- The Big Ideas Inside A New Version Of India's $35 Aakash Tablet #
- Occupy Wall Street Is Making You Think About Income Inequality #
- If Google Wants To Make Nice With The Record Industry, This Isn't The Way To Start (GOOG) #
- Here's Some Very Clever Marketing Out Of AOL/Patch (AOL) #
- Can't Wait For A Galaxy Nexus? Google Is Giving Them Away! #
- NRDC: There's No Way In Hell The Keystone Pipeline Will Create 20,000 Jobs #
- Really? $4.3 Million for That Photo? #
- Dissed by Logitech, Google TV Soldiers On #
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