- Camera Obscura is so good in the sunshine #
- Driving to the beach, Bratmobile on blast #
- 4 of 5 stars to Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control by Heather T. Forbes LCSW #
- Waiting for my chai/the sun feels like a warm hug/I can change I know #
- Context (@ Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook) [pic]: #
- Oyster time <3 (@ The Lobster) #
- My #5wordresolution Make my dreams come true #
- @EnsignPaul Ha! Nice one. See ya in 2012 and thanks for watching @tytoncurrent in reply to EnsignPaul #
- Had a great dining experience with a couple who are traveling the world while doing what they love. So inspiring <3 I want to be like them #
- Love this place! (@ The Golden State w/ 3 others) #
- Cool gallery (@ Norm Maxwell) #
- :D yer welcome RT @TYTonCurrent If you want to see a very young Cenk as a Dungeons & Dragons card, don't miss the repeat tonight at 7 PST. #
- I'm producing 2nite's F block on @TYTonCurrent. Hope I do @shananaomi & @chanelleberlin proud! Watch @ 7/6c. Channel: in reply to shananaomi #
- I met @bobbybognar, the owner of yesterday. New biz. Really inspiring. Only 2 months in and planning another location. #
- i wld never advise a startup of any size 2 not research demo RT @sethodell @dcap agree w you. When rent is on the line, it's not that easy #
- researching the market & your demo helps u FIND opportunities and collaborators. competition involves collaboration -- if yr doing it right #
- i'm all about creation for its own sake but if yr trying to live off your creations, you need to research the market. period. #
- @jeremymeyers there is collaboration in capitalism... vendors partnering with service industry need... etc. anyway. done talking about this. in reply to jeremymeyers #
- @jeremymeyers also, i don't see competition as as bad thing or a block to collaboration. but it is there. in reply to jeremymeyers #
- @jeremymeyers there is competition in niche markets unless yr the only one. in reply to jeremymeyers #
- Of course there's such a thing as competition. Literal, bottom-line impacting marketplace competition. It's what makes capitalism great. #
- ok. RT @jeremymeyers @dcap theres a big blue ocean out there. #
- if yr selling a service/product, there is RT @jeremymeyers @dcap theres no such thing as competition. do what u do to the best of yr ability #
- At least research your competition RT @chrisguillebeau Skip market research. Build something u want to use, and hope people want 2 buy it. #
- Italian and people watching <3 (@ The Grove w/ 24 others) #
- CUTE RT @SaraJBenincasa Photo: My father says, “You should join†I give him this look. #
- *drool* RT @GirlFuturist Instant lust > Lunar LED Lamp let's you hold the light of the moon in your hands. #design #
- I couldn't find a Tumblr focused on evolving Latino/a identities so I made Follow, send me tips, let's curate y'all #
- This! <3 RT @BoingBoing Teens React to Rick Perry's anti-gay commercial #
- You were terrific in #PARIAHmovie @pernell! The scene with the estranged mother is heartbreaking. Thanks for following :) #
- Congrats on #PARIAHMovie @nekisacooper. You've really inspired me. #
- I saw #PARIAHmovie in Hollywood last night. It was great to see a relatable & positive #poc #lgbt story on the big screen. Kudos, Dee Rees! #
- sunny day (@ The Young Turks Studios, Rebel Headquarters) #
- Pariah!!!! <3 (@ ArcLight Cinemas Hollywood w/ 28 others) #
- How iJustine Became a YouTube Mogul [VIDEO] via @mashablemedia @mashable #
- .@brainpicker Will you please do a roundup of all the #ows zines (complete and in-progress)? I will help you! But that list needs to exist! #
- Oooo! RT @brainpicker Watch the 1978 Star Wars holiday special, courtesy of @openculture #
- In my wildest dreams someone is aggregating a roundup of all the #OWS related zines. :/ I MUST KNOW AND GET THEM. #
- I just ousted @shananaomi as the mayor of The Young Turks Studios, Rebel Headquarters on @foursquare! #
- GASP RT “@hnigatu: Q-Tip Says He Will Be Producing Esperanza Spalding's Upcoming Album†#
- I'm giving my Tumblr more attention in 2012. Follow me, I'll follow ya back: #latino #tumblr #ethnicstudies #chicana #
- THIS RT @alyssajenette Why doesn't NYU have a black latino studies class? With all this tuition we pay they really should #latino #
- If you need a reminder once in a while that you're a spoiled brat, follow @StarvingChild #
- sang paranoid android. bucket list item achieved. (@ Fubar) #
- Karaoke pregame (@ Baby Blues BBQ w/ 2 others) #
- SOPA is such a menace to the internet! Check out this infographic: via @fightfortheftr #
- Edward Burns and the Socialization of Indie Cinema via @mashable #
- .@hnigatu I love your Tumblr SO MUCH. #
- Well, #1FactAboutMe is that I'm a youngish "single" lady adopting a teen next year through #
- Who in LA is down to take me and a friend to see "Pariah" tomorrow night? I'll chip in gas $ and lots of good times. DM me for deets. #
- TY for sharing! RT @Marthalicia Recent Interview. If your a new friend, take a look and see where I come from #
- I wonder who started the trend of porn bots tweeting pithy, life-affirming inspirational tweets. #
- Day 2 :) (@ The Young Turks Studios, Rebel Headquarters) #
- Pow! (@ The Young Turks Studios, Rebel Headquarters) #
- Airports. A chorus of crying babies. #SixWordStories #
- LOL RT @Hnics85 If being a producer for 60 Minutes doesn't work out, opening a chain of Waffle Houses in Tri-State Area called Quit Wafflin' #
- Interesting. You have 2 take your laptop out of your carry on 4 airport security, but not your iPad. I guess it's viewed as a giant iPhone? #
- #nowplaying closer - corinne bailey rae This is a great track to help quell those stabby feelings at the airport <3 LA bound. #
- fascinating, ty for sharing RT “@marinamann: Using Google’s Data to Reach Consumers†#
- Women Innovate Mobile (WIM) = 1st startup accelerator & mentorship-driven program for women-founded co's in mobile tech #
- Lol at @fart RTing greedy/ungrateful Christmas tweets. Amazing. My family did an under $25 secret santa. I hope we do it again next year <3 #
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