- I just made a donation to @OccupyOakland Bail Fund. Please join me: via @WePay #
- :/ Just tried to make a donation to @occupyoakland bail fund via @wepay and it failed w/out explanation... Trying again... #
- RT “@OccupyOakland: PLEASE donate 2 #oobail fund, between 130-250 arrested, some injured and/or w/out their medication #
- smart RT “@OccupyOakland: Plz document instances of police abuse violence & misconduct here #j28 #ows @geekeasy†#
- arrests for peaceful assembly = waste of taxpayer $ RT “@digg_updates: 300 arrested in Occupy Oakland protests. 300!!!†#
- Thanks! RT “@fromthehip: The State Of HTML5 Video #html5 via @longtail_video†#
- The evolution & successes of many social platform features are intrinsically tied to competitor growth. #
- Grammar craziness aside, I'm trying to explain that FB Subscribe owes much of its success to previous @Twitter followers & reach elsewhere. #
- I built my IRL and online network via @Twitter. Many followed me to FB. My FB subscriber success is thanks to @Twitter. (2/2) #
- I joined Twitter in '07. It took almost 5 years to reach 2k followers. Took me less than 3 months 2 hit 2k subscribers on FB - HOWEVER (1/2) #
- Congrats! RT @owasow In 2005, @ 34, I was struggling to finish BA. Today, I'm thrilled & awed that in fall I'll be an Asst Prof @ Princeton. #
- RT @POCZineProject COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: Q&A: @AliceBag on Life as a #Chicana Rebel & 'Violence Girl' #punk #diy #
- eggcelent RT “@shananaomi: @dcap @KathleenNB just put an egg on it! see for inspiration (my wife's blog)†#
- #gitit RT @KathleenNB Staying in bed until it is a socially acceptable time of day for me to eat the ribs & mashed potatoes in fridge #ribs #
- Chez Oskar. #brooklyn #treasure #gottagitdar #
- .@jayrosen_nyu I despise Romney's politics but you are 100% correct. It's fair use. in reply to jayrosen_nyu #
- <3 RT “@Peta_de_Aztlan: #OWS Liberation Movements have ups & downs highs & lows ins & outs go w the flow keep faith & keep swimming forward! #
- #nowplaying "Play" (Beat Ventriloquists Remix) via @youtube cc @corvida <3 #
- I gave up a long time ago trying to please everybody. Nobody wins. I'm 100% committed 2 being true 2 myself & supporting others on that path #
- Hmmm ... why is it that when a man explains a fact with confidence it's reassuring, but when a woman does she's being arrogant? #bullshit #
- Thanks @sree, @wordwhacker, etc. for #smwknd event & tweet curation. Great convo. Can't be there in person but following closely :) in reply to wordwhacker #
- "Traditional" youth brands have been innovative online & w social for years. MTV, PBSKids, etc. We all (media) influence each other #smwknd #
- +1 RT @ctanowitz MT Information isn't journalism. Journalism is about stories. Just b/c police give u raw data, doesn't give context #smwknd #
- If u want to learn how to cover a live event from all angles, on all platforms, watch how @mtvnews cover VMAs. Methods translate #smwknd #
- False. @mtvnews reported immediately. "@AmyVernon @Mashable editors saw Kanye incident on of the media waited til AM" #SMWKND #
- I agree RT @hardlynormal not sure I like @YouTube's new channel layouts. Seems ability 2 comment is hidden causing less interaction.just me? #
- "You know, the nazis had pieces of flare they made the Jews wear." Yeah, "Office Space" is still awkward & hilarious. So is all the old tech #
- +1 RT “@TIGGACALORE: the power of manifestation, dont ya love it†#
- Not only 1 using "caves" RT @LanceWeiler Twitter caves 2 global censorship, will block content on countryspecific basis #
- Woah RT @LanceWeiler: ACTA More Dangerous Than SOPA creates new enforcement system & ties hands of Congress to undo it #
- .@wdcinla Yes but that's a different kind of materiality/experience. U can't replicate a printed zine on a tablet. Two different experiences in reply to wdcinla #
- Thoughts on best practices for journos addressing criticism via social media? Recent ex: @timheidecker vs. @juliewmiller #smwknd #
- SMH RT “@NorthstarPics: The Celluloid Ceiling: Behind-the-Scenes Employment of Women on the Top 250 Films of 2011†#
- How does social play into this outcome? RT “@villagevoice: Journalists From Rupert Murdoch's The Sun Arrested†#smwknd #
- Thanks! RT “@esills: Google+ community page for media is #smwknd #smwkndg #wjchat #journchat†#
- Hm! RT @mathewi: Twitter is rolling out an analytics product for media organizations soon, says @EricaAmerica #smwknd #latism†#
- Even though news orgs are losing $ on print, materiality as a medium for info sharing is still influential with many ppl. #
- Was thinking about the power of materiality in general. Ex: I'll never read about bike culture online but I read zines about it. #
- What if Basquiat had been on Twitter? Would he have tweeted Warhol an intro instead of giving him a handmade postcard? Power of materiality. #
- +1 RT @bethkanter Instagram for museums: MuseumNext - Europe's big conference on social media/digital media 4 museums #
- RT “@aliciasanchez: Antioch College OH is waiving the tuition for all its students who enroll in the next three years:†#
- .@adriarichards Watching some of your YouTube videos. I LOVE your commentary on startups/diversity. in reply to adriarichards #
- All tech journos should follow RT “@blackfounders: Black Founders Ring in the Year With Hack Day on @blackenterprise†#
- RT @NYT_JenPreston Who is a real journalist? Why does @nypd decide who gets credentials? @megrobertson suggests nymedia stop using #smwknd #
- Chez Oskar. I crave french toast and the space is lovely, but do I risk aggravating my still-healing bruise? #shitisay #shitnilescranesays #
- THIS RT “@jessxnyc: LGBT Kids Glitterbomb Gay Prom with Lady Gaga Themed "It Gets Better" Video:†#
- no prob RT “@jasonarican: @dcap Thanks for the RT during the SOTU! Republican salty faces was my favorite part of the whole thing #latepass € #
- +1“@Toure @georgebowmer Jan Brewer is being overtly racist when she says Obama threatened her. It's not my cynical motives—it's about realty #
- #badnews My bruises are still gross and hurt. #goodnews I'm finally watching "Circumstance." #
- +1 RT “@gimpnelly: I very much dislike when people refer to collections of comics as graphic novels. The intent in each is quite different. #
- Nice RT “@MotherJones: Here's Who Paid Mitt Romney "Not Very Much" to Speak†#
- Cool. #FF now = Favorite Friday. Let's compare notes next Friday. RT @davidhoang @dcap I like it. I'm going to do the same. Great idea! #
- On My Radar: @RamonaPringle’s RDigitalife, #transmedia and artistic ladies in my life making moves #
- .@davidhoang YES. Exactly. in reply to davidhoang #
- #FF [some tweets I favorite'd this week] @fromthehip @joshsternberg @jcstearns @calinative @brainpicker @zakforsman @AloofObserver @blaisegv #
- I'm going to start using #FF in a different way. Future #FF tweets will incl. ppl who's tweets I've favorite'd during the week. #
- The weather is dreary so today I'm imagining I'm a rhinestone cowboy. #nowplaying The Stampeders - Sweet City Woman #
- Loony eclipse? Derrick Pitts debunks Newt Gingrich’s lunar agenda via @CountdownKO #
- Still my stance RT @muckrack @vikasbajaj @liedtkesfc @hari @blakehounshell @dcap @paulwestdc Congrats on yr mention in #
- Don't walk away, Friday. My love won't hurt you. #
- Nice! RT “@G4C: The Smithsonian has released the schedule for GameFest, a celebration of the art of video games:†#
- Following this RT “@lorusso: awesome company: @bluefinlabs. "Twitter While You Watch TV? Bluefin Labs Is Watching"†#
- Thanks! RT “@blaisegv: 51 links this week - Online Community Management Links Roundup 27/01/12 #cmgr #cmgrchat†#
- +1 RT “@sashahearts: Marilyn Monroe is one Gif away from being alive again.†#
- #GIFtastic RT “@feliciaday Create and share animated GIFs using more than 40,000 stereographs from The NYPL. #
- :) RT “@latinorebels: Ron Paul this isn't 1962. Cold War over. Cuba won't invade us. Let it go. There isn't a jhihadist under bed #CNNDebate #
- +1 RT “@jayrosen_nyu: More debates, by all means. They lessen influence of ads, polls, pundits & horse race coverage. That is a good thing. #
- +1 RT “@emilybell: That wife segment was enough to provoke a feminist revolution.†#CNNDebate #
- LOL RT @moorehn: Paul brags his wife wrote a cookbook.... I want one to say his wife edits Guns & Ammo.†#CNNDebate #
- LOL RT “@EvilSlutClique: Santorum: "Kids are not born good." That's okay, Newt's child janitor program will straighten them out. #cnndebate € #
- Lulz RT “@shaherose: <3 => Shit San Franciscans Say: "North Beach is just so hard to get to" lol†#
- My response to 'On Twitter, censorship and Internet freedom' + read the post I'm responding to #STOPTWITTERCENSORSHIP #
- @ProducerMatthew is right: "Twitter just SOPA'd the Internet." (via fb) #STOPTWITTERCENSORSHIP #
- Judging from Chilling Effects, seems like @Twitter caved 2 movie copyright complaints, justifying censorship in other countries. B.S. #
- Think about why, from an activist perspective, it's dangerous 4 Twitter 2 block tweets btwn users in other countries #STOPTWITTERCENSORSHIP #
- It isn't about respecting another country's freedom of expression. It's about agreeing to block @twitter content from users in that country. #
- RT If you oppose @Twitter agreeing to censor certain tweets from appearing in some countries #STOPTWITTERCENSORSHIP #
- Caved. #fail RT @ProducerMatthew Twitter has agreed to censor certain tweets from appearing in some countries #
- Great resource for teachers, parents, filmmakers RT @gtoppo Henry Jenkins on #transmedia #
- If you write about tech or the economy you are simply making yourself look uninformed and sloppy when you ignore the contributions from poc. #
- ..i tweet about dumb/fun shit but sometimes i get fed up with how some oblivious journalists frame the world, using a "not my beat" excuse. #
- I try to be mindful of my privilege as a fair-skinned Latina. Having privilege doesn't make you a "bad" person but ignoring it is dangerous. #
- I'll be that loudmouth "what is she anyway" producer/journo/media chick calling out shoddy reporting tied 2 built-in racist assumptions #wut #
- And if you're questioning right now why I'm making "a big deal" about this list, question your privilege that you think I'm overreacting. #
- If you're a journo set on "documenting the emerging economy," look at last year's census and think about how dumb it is to ignore POC. #
- RT @goodglobalcitiz Hand held high! @dcap Raise hand= sick of tech/social media power lists incl. 1 asian person & counting that as diverse #
- And yes I will go off on journalists who make lists without doing due diligence. Metrics don't lie. There are PLENTY of poc influencers. #
- People like @haydn1701 & his "Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers?" show how many white journalists R ignorant 2 POC influence on the web. #
- Raise your hand if you're sick of these tech/social media power lists including one asian person & counting that as diverse. #
- OH. Well then :/ #fail "At a certain point you can’t rely only the data – I did make choices but highly informed by PeekYou." - @haydn1701 #
- PeekYou data is wrong and so is @haydn1701. Also, why wldn't the writer notice absence of #poc Doesn't add up. #fail #
- Why would using PeekYou culminate in a list of #socialmedia power influencers that doesn't include POC? #poc #fail #
- .@haydn1701 There are issues w PeekYou and/or yr research. Why is your list almost exclusively white? #poc #fail #
- Makes no sense that this list doesn't incl POC :/ Who Are The Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers? - Forbes (1/2) #
- Heroic former intern Daniel Hernandez reflects on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ decision to step down: /via @CountdownKO #
- WTF RT“@CNNMoney: Number of people filing for first-time unemployment benefits rises 21,000 to 377,000 in the latest week, government says.†#
- Yikes RT “@kthalps: This tweet is scary. And the @IDFSpokesperson account isn't a parody:†#
- +1 “@quirkyknitgirl: @dcap I'm not a huge fan of hers but I like Hey girl, It's KStew for not being heteronormative :)†#
- #WORDEMUP RT “@rainnwilson: Don't believe everything you read in the press, ok?†#
- dope geeky shit RT “@hnigatu: Today in there's a Tumblr for everything: Hey Girl, It's Rachel Maddow†#
- Lulz RT “@rafikam in another 1, some kid just bought worst comic book ever. RT @PaulCantor in n alternate universe i'm going 2 sleep B4 12am #
- Neato RT “@zakforsman: What's your place in the film industry? I landed on indie filmmaker. via @JackDanStan†#
- I'm not sure why @assfrito is following me, but the website is something I can only imagine was created by the Squidbillies family. #
- wifi-influenced poetry +1 RT “@lenadunham: Writing a found language poem using all the names of wifi networks in my building.†#
- Nice! RT @ainaabiodun Props to @rachelfairbanks, @storycordorg social media manager for this awesome storify! #
- .@hnigatu AWESOME in reply to hnigatu #
- In the immortal words of Popeye the Sailor Man and @SalmanRushdie: "I yam what I yam & that's all that I yam." My tweets = IRL @dcap lite #
- Hi there, new followers. I see you & your sexy avatars gettin' on the d train to arty/tech news, wisdom and excellence. Choo choo! #imweird #
- Twitter: Please don't claim u have a finger on the pulse of anything if u aren't talking about the arkh project #gaming #art #race #poc #diy #
- .@therealhennessy the arkh project leaders release great character art often, check it out. find their tumblr, from there you'll see the b.s in reply to therealhennessy #
- .@therealhennessy cool. check all the discourse on tumblr too. great points. i'm not even that into gaming & i'm heated. in reply to therealhennessy #
- .@therealhennessy exactly. but please save it for the video. ;) #pleasemakeit #scooptheselatejournos #promotethegame #iwant2playit in reply to therealhennessy #
- .@therealhennessy PLEASE make a video about the arkh project controversy!!! PLEASE! Then maybe journalists will pay attention. in reply to therealhennessy #
- I'm really surprised/disappointed that so many game journos are late to the Arkh Project controversy & the Kickstarter campaign overall. :/ #
- +1 RT @kate_sheppard Fourth graders ask Universal Pictures: Who Will Speak For the Trees? #
- Oo! RT @Derek Baird @derekeb RT @openculture Watch Sunday & Wild Life, Two Animated Shorts Just Nominated for #Oscar #
- Thanks! If you ever need PT consulting/producing services at @ytnextlab, I'm here for ya! RT @moth @dcap very fine RTing tonight. Thank you. #
- Show me celebs using their perks/influence to innovate/help the world overall in creative ways. There's great & authentic content there. #
- I have nothing against celebrities, but I do despise the whole "celebs are like us" routine by advertisers and networks. Inauthentic. #
- If any company starts talking about how "celebrities are just like us," keep an eye out for new celeb-endorsed products, programming, etc. #
- Consider why companies want you to believe celebrities are "just like us": You'll relate to them more = buy more of their products, etc. #
- Celebrities are only "just like us" in that they are human and have feelings. Aside from that, the 99% cld benefit from many of their perks. #
- Some Facts: Celebrities are not "just like us." They get most shit for free, rarely pay for hotels/flights & rarely get to be themselves. #
- #theygetmoststufffree RT @MTV <3 @SelenaGomez cuz girl likes a bargain. Her @Forever21 cardigan coat #TheyreJustLikeUs #
- Ouch sick burn RT “@agahran: Time traveling comedian at The Layover, Oakland, is bombing simultaneously in 4 millennia.†#
- I was in Twitter jail and so my dream of curating #sotu epic wonderment and sentiment was not fully realized. I made it to about 90% in. Fin #
- "Pass the payroll tax cut right away. Let's get this done." #POTUS #sotu #
- The white house app is broken. It alerted me to the livestream 33 min late #sotu #
- wow RT “@zdroberts: They allowed Kenyans in Pattons army? #SOTU #sarcasm†#
- #sotu once again, I will be RTing my favorite tweets. My goal is to capture the sentiment throughout the speech. #
- Hip-hop made it possible 2 make stories of oppression & triumph over oppression viral & accessible cc @crunkfeminists #BarackTalk € #sotu #
- Nice! RT “@cmc2: Five Female-Directed Films That Deserved Oscar Nominations via @canon_blog†#
- Great resource for new grads RT “@blaisegv: Community Manager: A Day In the Life #cmgr € #
- OH: "What are you up to?" "Boss shit." #okthen #stealingthat #
- Nice RT “@CC_NewJersey: RT @The_ARF: Great recap of 2011 Social Media milestones for #infographicfriday†#
- TY RT “@NiemanLab When shield laws aren't enough: Why journalists need to learn about cyber security to protect sources #
- No prob, homies RT @TYTonCurrent @dcap thanks :) #
- .@TYTonCurrent THIS for today's U block resources! in reply to TYTonCurrent #
- LOL RT @RickMarshall @dcap I like 2 think there was a guidance counselor involved i.e."Have u considered drug trafficking as career path?";) #
- It's so deep, that talking shit about Mexico is talking shit about the U.S. We're that entwined: economically/historically/culturally. Deal. #
- And thanks to our broken healthcare system, more & more U.S. citizens go to Mexico for medicine & surgeries. Our relationship is so deep. #
- How many ppl know ppl who share stories re: their fun illegal Mexico adventures? Veterans, students-We're all accomplices 2 the issues there #
- Mexico didn't just wake up one day & say "I wanna B a hotbed of drug biz & violence, wee!" U.S. and int'l laws played a huge role in that. #
- I've been more aware of how American and foreign press paint the drug war and violence in Mexico, whiting out U.S./foreign influence. #
- .@casiestewart I get it:) Cool. But yr tweet implied u were in danger. W/out context+that link=paints an incorrect picture of yr experience. in reply to casiestewart #
- TY for sharing RT @rachelsterne 2011: Year in Review. @nycgov's progress realizing Mayor Bloomberg's digital roadmap #
- See previous tweets for context but I'm getting sick of U.S. and Canadian peeps talking shit about MX, like we aren't bedfellows/responsible #
- Millions US citizens safely visit MX each yr, more than 150k cross border every day 4 study/tourism/biz & @ least 1m U.S. citizens live n MX #
- For ex: 111 US citizens were killed in MX in '10 & Americans still vacation n MX! Mexico is not out 2 get Canadians bcuz 6 died there in '11 #
- .@casiestewart I'm glad you did 2 but Mexico is a large country. Like the U.S., it has unsafe/safe areas. Visiting Mexico doesn't =surviving in reply to casiestewart #
- The only workaround I can see is not using the "retweet" option and manually RTing so that the WP plugin snags for my site. Still, womp. #
- Womp. Just noticed that my WP twitter scraper plugin doesn't snag tweets I RT. BOOOOO. I RT 2 help me archive research on my site. Now what? #
- Read this because it will help your brain get more wrinkly. #
- That would explain his affinity for rodent-like behavior. RT @ProducerMatthew Mitt Romney's actual first name is "Willard?" #romneytaxes #
- just read my timeline RT @patrickklepek Anyone know if there's a place to re-watch tonight's GOP debate? Missed it & I'm glutton 4punishment #
- *smacks head* RT “@rosamramirez: Mitt Romney wants to do away with birthright citizenship?†#
- lmao bless you RT “@Self_deporter: @dcap Thanks. Are you a fellow self-deporter? Not sure how many more of us are out there?†#
- hope u enjoyed my #FLdebate curation fun RT “@davidhoang: @dcap Oh man, our future generation LOL.†#
- Best thing to come out of #FLdebate @Self_deporter lives #
- lmao RT “@rbockmann: @MittRomney take some of that Cayman Islands money and hire a speech coach. Your stammering is killing me. #FLDebate € #
- We regulate alcohol & taxes from that help the economy. Only reason we don't do that w weed=2 many politicians/co's make $ while its illegal #
- Reagan and Nixon used their war on drugs each time to control ppl/ enforce mass arrests of protesters under guise of combatting drug war. BS #
- I agree. Legalize & regulate, reduce trafficking & crime RT “@MatteoLaCognata @dcap i'd say the same goes for prostitution -speaking n italy #
- PSA: The war on drugs, namely pot, is a joke. Keeping it illegal=many ppl employed/pockets lined. A weed tax wld reduce crime & help economy #
- .@kdando @calinative @corvida thanks, guys! in reply to kdando #
- hilarious RT “@KinoLorber: Friday's Portlandia took on our beloved CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI:†#
- whoop!! RT “@Colorlines: 'Mosquita y Mari' World Premiere at Sundance a 'Smashing Sucess'†#
- I'm biased but @corvida's a great speaker “@annfriedman RT @smwnyc we're still on the hunt for awesome women to add to our roster.†#
- Love to all the community managers out there. Thanks for everything you do! #cmgr #CMAD†#
- LOL RT @gavinpurcell Why certain ppl's smiles look like they're just biting & opening their mouth really wide? Did some1 teach em that move? #
- Today, last year, I was at the Elite Squad 2 screening @ Sundance. Today I'm going 2 dr.'s office 4 icy stairs-related injury. C'est la vie! #
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