- #nowplaying LAURYN HILL - EX-FACTOR #
- I'm pretty sure the concept of texting was informed by passive aggression and cowardice. No offense to Friedhelm Hillebrand. #
- Do the world a favor: If yr not volunteering or donating $ to orgs that empower, pls STFU about the plight of poor people. U don't care. tx #
- #nowplaying AZEALIA BANKS - 212 FT. LAZY JAY #
- "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.†― Marilyn Monroe #
- +1 RT “@ThinkMexican: Banned 500 Years of Chicano History Book Free to Arizona Students Follow the link FMI!†#
- #nowplaying Azealia Banks & Lunice - Runnin' I'm so late. but DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN. #
- +1 RT @mrfatlace @Toure In Boomerang, success by black ppl was not treated as remarkable. was simply the setting. A bold, simple statement. #
- .@rushay It's my favorite song off the "Reality Bites" soundtrack and a definite Spring/Summer jam track :) in reply to rushay #
- #nowplaying Smashing Pumpkins- Bullet With Butterfly Wings #
- #nowplaying Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun #
- #nowplaying Lisa Loeb - Stay (I Missed You) #realitybites #
- #nowplaying Baby I Love Your Way - Big Mountain #
- Bwahaha! 'Huffington Post' Employee Sucked Into Aggregation Turbine RT @laurenthedark @dcap #
- I just funded Research and Development for a Women's Safe House in Guatemala on @indiegogo. Fund it too! #
- .@MsAllisonAnders is following me? well, that just took this fab evening from 100% to 200% awesome. in reply to MsAllisonAnders #
- <3 RT @am_NYC Amazing evening with my lady friends- always inspired with them. TY for being u @dcap @andilightful Jess Leianne and Heather #
- +1 RT “@motionblur: "Surround yourself with the 'why not' people." ~ @ThatKevinSmith #livefrombehind € #
- Disgusting RT “@ClaraJeffery: OUTRAGEOUS: kids taken from undocumented parents, put up for adoption ... by US judges:†#
- +1 RT “@pittsburghliz: I <3 everything about this MT @MichelleObama & Ellen dance to "Tightrope" TY, @JanelleMonae #
- OK, Facebook is back. The world collectively exhales. #
- Is Facebook down? I wonder how many marketers and ad sales people are fuming, #
- .@stephentotilo doing big things with @kotaku. impressive! congrats! #
- #nowplaying Christina Aguilera - Ain't No Other Man cc @corvida #
- FOODIES: #THIS RT @thirdward Very excited to share this news with you. #
- #nowplaying Creep - TLC #
- +1 RT “@JamilahLemieux: Tired of rap lyrics that say "your girl wants to ____ me". Son. No, she don't.†#
- RT @ashong In 2004 I wrote a treatise on #OpenSource Music. Why I believe in the power of "free": #MillionDownload #FAM #
- No one is going to give you a medal for showing up but often showing up is 99% of the work that leads to amazing opportunities. #
- #RIP RT @BET 2 realize his dream, Don Cornelius worked a sub DJ, filling in 4 on-air personalities, & in the news dept. of WVON radio in CHI #
- LMFAO RT @ThatNatalieGray There's nothing so satisfying to a woman as taking a long soak in a tub or dredging up a fact from the past. #
- Putting it out there: I want to make a short film in March, submitting to fests. If yr interesting in collaborating, DM me yr email. Tx #
- Congrats 2 @bxwebb 4 being featured in this month's issue of F-Stop Magazine! See if u can spot red bowtie/brain tshirt #
- +1 RT @Rosental Thanks, @RodrigoCetina, @dcap, @AldoNahed. We've just passed 5k likes on Facebook. What about 6K? :) #
- Hm! RT @mashable Viacom CEO: Our Strength Is Not Technology - #
- Ladies, peep this BS: @elliesmeal dissects @barackobama vs. Catholic Church controversy over birth control coverage #
- Do you ever sign into Twitter and then, without realizing it, open another tab to Twitter again? Twitter Squared. #
- .@yousingiwrite I used to go to their shows all the time at Black Betty in BK, before they closed :) in reply to yousingiwrite #
- +1 RT @santagati Don't B so negative #SWIDT RT @neterugoddess not funny @MUHIBGOTSWAG Q What did 1 ion say 2 the other? A I've got my ion u #
- <3 RT @brownisthecolor: Even now, it takes a moment for me to catch my breath while watching/listening to Egyptians taking back their lives. #
- Two things that R getting old: 1) all these porn bots following me on Twitter and 2) the catholic church & GOP fanatics war on birth control #
- Wow. RT “@destructuremal: This Twitter account has been subpoenaed to testify against me by the state of New York.†#
- Guys, @GranholmTWR premieres tonight on @Current at 9/8c. Let me know what u think about the show! Be nice though ... or I'll bite your face #
- Follow, y'all. Support #diversity + more expressions of Latino/Hispanic identity, 'specially during this POTUS race ;) #
- On My Radar: @ghettofilm MasterClass Series, live Google+ Hangout with Lee Daniels [starts 1/31] #film #
- OMG. Taxes. Scanning time. #
- #nowplaying LAURYN HILL- LOST ONES #
- the tough part about completing bed rest/getting over a crazy fall=when yr finally better the last thing u want to do is sit at a computer. #
- Students: Some teachers are great & others are not. Don't let their shortcomings taint your love of learning. It's your brain, your journey. #
- Lol RT “@SPERGERS: Is there a Grindr for snuggling?†#
- More poc & fringe folk need 2make films that tell their OWN stories so that we can all collectively plumb/cherish the depths of human nature #
- I <3 films that don't put marginalized people on pedestals. I like multi-faceted characters. I don't watch movies to find angels. #
- ... when the daughter's friend assumes black woman is from Africa, when Moore's character fires Mexican gardener, accuses him of drugs (2/2) #
- Forgot racist undertones in "The Kids Are Alright" + I like that it's an honest look @ privileged white lesbian drama. Life = complex (1/2) #
- Cool! RT “@HuffPostTeen: We just discovered a journal written and edited entirely by young scientists. Super cool!†#
- Watching about a million amazing videos via the Redux app on Google TV. Curation, curation, curation ... #idigsit #
- Makes sense Herman Cain endorsed Gingrich. Take 999, turn it upside down & BOOM:Gingrich. That ish makes more sense than all the GOP debates #
- TY for sharing link RT @moorehn So smart! RT @FastCompany: Work/Life Balance Is A Myth; Here's What You Can Do About It #
- I hope #OWS groups around the world cont. 2 voice their views & demands thru POTUS election, hold ppl accountable 2 their campaign promises. #
- I'm not rich. I don't own property & I have student loans. But I donate $ to #OWS bcuz I am the 99% and I believe in protecting #democracy #
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