- Sure ok RT “@KellieZambito91: @dcap Quit Your Job! Make $350+ Paid Daily, Using Twitter 100% FREE To Join! #
- .@PaulCantor I think I define superhuman differently ... I know plenty of subhuman folks with smartphones. in reply to PaulCantor #
- wow RT “@KateGardiner: Oh my. Gentrification issues.†#
- wtf lol :/ RT @laurenthedark Ex-employer put my phone # in spot where SSN is spsd 2go on tax form. 1 of many reasons 2 fuckin' work 4 yrself #
- All hopped up on as many flu remedies you can safely take at once. Hope I sleep the whole way to Cali #
- SF bound (@ Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD) w/ 162 others) #
- Luckily last night I went to a great dinner with new @poczineproject allies so this trip to Chicago wasn't all for naught. So mad I'm sick. #
- Trying not 2 feel totally shitty about not being at @chicagozinefest 2day bcuz of stupid flu. Luckily @inzombia will read my statement 4 me. #
- .@hnigatu That's it. We must hang out soon. I will be back in NYC on 3/25 and will contact you then. in reply to hnigatu #
- ... The last time I was in Chicago was in 2009, speaking at a BlogHer conference. I met @corvida IRL and we saw The Orphan. #GoodMemories #
- oh sick burn “@elowitz: There's a #sxsw Google+ session today: i heard millions of people have been signed up - but no one will be present.†#
- Next destination: LGA. Destination after that: @chicagozinefest. #letsdothis #
- distracting myself w SHUT UP! LITTLE MAN, an incredible doc that has all my favorite things: zines, found objects, audio verite, crazy ppl #
- going to muster all my spiritual/pithy platitudes to accept that i am getting sick on the eve of a bunch of work travel. .... hold me. #
- I wonder what being logged into FB and Twitter all day for work is doing to my brain. #
- There is a new venue inside the building I live in (South BX) (@ The Clock Cafe & Martini Bar) [pic]: #
- cool! “@Marthalicia: The HARLEM SCHOOL of THE ARTS, solo art show of my NEW ART works;... " ..FOR GRANTED..." ....will be up this weekend!†#
- .@MonsieurCS haha! in reply to MonsieurCS #
- going to punish myself 4 considering getting food delivered from new cafe/bar that opened inside my building instead of pick up. bougie ass #
- this made me tear up “@judyblume: @beverlycleary--welcome to twitter (again). Your fans (including me) are thrilled. You r my inspiration.†#
- Amazing. Even w Internet access & ample info online re: Joseph Kony & the LRA, ignorant ppl are calling #stopKONY a conspiracy/talking shit #
- I'm beyond psyched that #stopkony is trending worldwide. Here's why: Incredible social marketing for an important cause #
- Dear @hulu_support, I hope U will consider my request & take steps 2 better represent/support your Latino customers. TY #
- Noticed that my letter to @Hulu has a few auto-correct spelling errors. Doh. Oh well, I made my point. #
- Dear @hulu, I hope you will consider my request & take steps to better represent and support your Latino customers. TY #
- Good morning. I'll be on a panel at @chicagozinefest with @Inzombia and some other rad ladies on 3/10 to talk about @poczineproject. Yayer #
- Good morning. I'll be on a panel at @chicagozinefest with @Inzombia and some other rad ladies on 2/10 to talk about @poczineproject. Yayer #
- Bold, wildly inaccurate statement RT “@MTV: If this new #StayStrong clip doesn't make u love @DemiLovato, there's something wrong with you" #
- waka waka waka RT “@paulcarr: I wish people would learn the difference between dispinterested and unpinterested.†#
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