- good news: had a great convo with an awesome friend. bad news: my things didn't organize themselves when i was on the phone like i planned #
- Random PSA: Just bcuz you're not exposed to "them" on a regular basis, doesn't mean that "they" don't exist/don't deserve same rights as you #
- trans* hijabi: A blog dedicated to transwomen working the veil, with queer politics/commentary on islamophobia #GLBTQ #
- .@corvida this is what i'm going to do all day, besides organizing: ^_^ #yayzasaur #
- #nowplaying Aaliyah - More Than A Woman home office revamp project is coming together <3 need more art though. #
- Bad UX RT @ShaunaReporter @youtube. Just bcuz I watch ton of @therealfrankieJ videos doesn't mean I understand spanish ads. #ITookFrench #
- .@johnhawks @BoraZ social science, as it pertains 2 child welfare/foster care, has a high cost 2 testing theories as well. ppl die/have died in reply to johnhawks #
- I told myself I can't go on FB until I finish a few projects, so I'll be here & on Tumblr more than usual as I wean. Cold turkey=no bueno #
- +1 “@BrooklynOnRye: Yo, state senators from Tennessee, I think genitalia are more a gateway to sex than hand holding.†#
- *RTs from iPhone* #torn RT “@joshsternberg: How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Taxes†#
- .@IdoNotes i'm not hipster enough for that :/ #oneday in reply to IdoNotes #
- #nowplaying Wale - Slight Work feat. Big Sean #
- I can either clean up all this construction plaster in my apt or keep mainlining Tumblr ... #goesbacktotumblr #fornow #iwillcleanit #god #
- .@milesmaker @corvida "stars get the best light" i'm going to start saying that randomly on the train to ppl who stand too close to me. in reply to milesmaker #
- the best thing about being in a relationship with a geek -- besides love n shit -- is, honestly, free + USEFUL tech support. #dontlie #
- Nas references online privacy, Instagram in his latest track "Daughters" #
- ooo! +1 “@Miramax: Film Fashion: @theLucyLiu in Kill Bill via @pinterest†#
- mine too :/ “@dreamhampton: My TL is Game of Thrones and Atlanta Housewives everything.†#
- +1 “@BritniDWrites: I'm learning that I don't have 2 argue my POV w/ folks all the time, no matter how tempting. Not enough energy 4 that†#
- hehehehe “@BasseyworldLive: Donald Trump is launching a fragrance??? It probably smells like toupee sweat and thinly veiled racism.†#
- .@corvida too much 80's violence. i know what we need in this rain. oh yes. Carribean Queen. Extended Version. #
- .@corvida I was about to jam you and flat blast both of you/But I didn't wanna mess up this thirt-seven hundred dollar lynx coat #theraaaain #
- .@corvida "I gave you silk suits, blue diamonds and gucci handbags. I gave you things you couldn't even pronounce!" #theraaaaaaain in reply to corvida #
- "You without me is like corn flakes without the milk! This is my world." #bouse #baws #
- I wonder how many other ppl moderated a 2screen live chat from an apt in BK on a Sunday while listening to Wiz Khalifa. Probably 10,000. #
- #nowplaying Oran "Juice" Jones - The Rain #andhim #
- "I saw youuuu, moderating a live chat in the raaaaain ... you were using ScribbleLive and I'll never be the saaaaaame" #sundayworkova #
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